December 29, 2008

The Twin Lions: Amret and Mabret   双獅のアムレトとマブレト

Located in the constellation of Leo, L77 was said to be one of the most beautiful planets in the universe. As we all probably know, lions were very important beasts on L77, and you would have been able to find motifs of them everywhere you looked. The king sat upon a throne of lions; the crimson gem (similar to the Terran ruby, or corundum?) passed down through the royal line was called the 'Eye of The Lion'; and lions were a popular motif in art and craft, especially when it came to objects used by royalty. They were symbols of courage, power, fairness and endurance. Even the swift, intelligent maned dogs kept as pets across the planet were said to be inspired by breeders' perceptions of lions, although with the horns, five-fingered paws and scaly backs there is equal argument that they represent the long or dragon instead, or even concurrently.

Leonids venerated two deities, in the form of—you guessed it—lions. In a rather unusual reversal of the associations of yin and yang, Amret the white lioness was associated with light, activity, justice, solidity, civility, peace, fire and metal; Mabret the black lion was a being of darkness, silence, cunning, fluidity, savagery, war, water and wood. Together they create the universe, and then sleep or wander. When they awaken again they fight for dominance, destroying what came before and creating yet another new world. This world was said to be the seventh, resulting in the number's veneration. Some tellings say that in their last battle, Amret bit out Mabret's eye, the very Eye of The Lion, and Amret's own eye was torn out and became L77 itself. The principle of duality and balance is also given high import; twins amongst Leonids are rare and very often celebrated as blessings from the two lions, Liaret.

Much of L77's culture was lost when the planet was destroyed by the Magma Seijin forces; even today it is not known if there were any further survivors of the incident beyond the then-princes of the monarchy, Leo of Alse and Astra of Alse. What is related here is gleaned from the archives of Levet Arakis, who some refer to as the succeeder of Tucel Shajar. The verse is written in the iambic heptameter popular of that time, a little bit before the ascencion of King Alse Shiraga to the throne.

The cycle turns and things will live and die once more; 'tis law
Set down by forces greater than our Lion King. This world
is bound to seek its own renewal, time and time again
With single life begat by death and death begat by life.

The lions two bear every cycle etch'd within their bones.
Hail Amret, white of pelt and green of eye, of peace and light!
Hail Mabret, black of pelt and red of of eye, or war and night!
Of this world, they are ev'rything and nothing all at once.
They sleep and wander through the fields of stars and suns until
they meet once more, awake, and order then begins its end.

Behold! Fang meets with fang; the strike of claws is met with claws
Upturned are all the worlds around; the struggle does not cease
Until all worlds around are drawn into the fray, and fall.
Such power cannot be withstood by things alive and dead.

Destruction! Ai, destruction! That is all that can exist
and slowly will the seven pillars of the heavens fall.
No light, no dark, no air, no sky, none live and unalive;
the universe returns into the void from which it came.

White Amret licks her wounds; her milk-blood falls like shining pearls
to bear the stars again that roam across the space so bare.
Black Mabret shakes his mane; the tatter'd fur breaks from its bounds
And drifting on his hallow'd breath, the tufts become our roots.
White Amret sneezes sore. Black Mabret merely laughs in jest.
The fight forgotten, black and white in peace and concord lie.

And from this lying comes the gift of sleep and life anew;
The dust of battle settles down and gathers into form.
A brand new world will dawn from all the damage that is wrought
And still the lions sleep, and drift apart within that sleep.

This is the world begat from the twin lions' seventh sleep.
White Amret and her consort, Mabret far apart once more.
The cycle turns and things will live and die once more; 'tis law
The people of the lion's blood will tell the tale once more.
[+/-] The Liaret


王は獅子の玉座に座っており 王家に代々伝わってきた真紅の宝玉石(もしは地球の紅玉かコランダムに似ている?)は「獅子の瞳」と呼ばれ 獅子は美術の主なモチーフにもなりました。特に、王家の家具になる物に。
勇気 力 公正 辛抱のシンボルともなりました。
にしても、額のの小さくて鈍い角 五指の手足 うろこ状の物がついた背中をも見れば、その犬は龍(ロン)の象徴であるか 獅子と龍の合わせた象徴である議論もあります。

L77星人は獅子の姿をした2人の神を奉りました。陰陽のちょっとした逆転の様に、白いの雌獅子アムレトは光 活力 正義 安固 礼儀 平和 炎 金と関連して、黒い雄獅子マブレトは闇 静寂 狡猾さ 流動 軟性 残虐 戦争 水 木二関連した存在でした。その二匹は万物をつくりあげ寝込みまたは彷徨い、もう一度目を覚めたら 優位を取る為に争い現在の世界を滅び次の世界を築く。現在の世界は第七番の世界と言う為、L77にもその数字が崇めている。
ある伝説によると最後の戦いの中ではアムレトに噛み取られたマブレトの目が「獅子の瞳」になり 互いにもぎ取ったアムレトの瞳はL77となりました。

惑星L77の大分の文化は マグマ星人に滅ぼされた時に失われてしまいました。
現在にも災害時の王子 アルスのレオとアルスのアストラ以外の生存者がいるのかいないのかは不明である。


目が覚めているまままた顔を合わせたら 秩序の終わりが始まる。

周りの世界はひっくり返られ 争いは終わらない

光も 闇も 空気も 空も 生物も無生物も無く

白きアムレトは傷を舐める その乳血は輝く真珠の様に零れ
黒きマブレトは鬣を揺らす ボロボロの毛は根が折り
神聖なる息に流され 毛房は我が根になる。


[+/-] リアレト…