Today's title is brought to you by Dylan Thomas! Yay! *ahem*
If Ultraman's Colour Timer stops blinking, he will never rise again.
All right. So most fans are familiar with this line here: if UM uses up all his energy, then he will die. Or so it seems. UM himself was revived with an 'extra life' by Zoffy in the final episodes. He's still kicking around. If you read the (slightly obscure but very good) manga Ultraman: Super Fighter Legend (Choutoushi Gekiden), our hero actually dies and comes to life a few times. And then there's Taro, who first gets beheaded by some hellish monster, somehow survives that, and then gets pecked full of holes by a giant poisonous venomous chicken. But he's still alive too, as Mebius will vehemently attest. (How dare you insult his coach! 'o' )
Ultraman, thank goodness, is NOTORIOUSLY HARD TO KILL. So what, really, is death to them?
According to Korotan Bunko number 30 (Ultra Kaijuu All Hyakka), 'When an Ultran dies s/he turns to light and disappears'. Granted, in most if not all the death scenarios so far, this has not happened. We have seen Taro bleed red blood (very red blood...) and Tiga bleeds light. Mebius has covered a little bit on death, and since he's part of the Showa continuity, we make these observations:
- Yes, Ultrans do die, i.e. there is a natural lifespan and there is 'only one life'.
- If Ultrans turn to light and disappear upon death, Ultrans themselves are made of light.
- Light is a type of energy. (All right, that one's fairly well-established)
The energy that composes an Ultran holds itself together in a sort of matrix, pretty much like how the human skeleton, muscles and skin keeps everything else from falling onto the floor. Striking at the energy matrix damages it, but it generally manages to knit back together (Those sparks you see when a monster strikes at an Ultra? That's the matrix being unraveled.). This explains how so much damage is reversible under the hands of comrades or a good Silver Cross worker. A physical body that looks dead is really a dormant but intact energy matrix; spent energy can yet be replaced, if the person is attended to in time.
It takes a lot of heavy, repeated damage to really break the matrix beyond all repair—this entails a knock-down drag-out battle beyond all limits, some form of degenerative disease (sad, yet true) or the actual, natural winding down of the life force. It is said they can live for millions of Earth years (a fact which needs textual confirmation somewhere. I looked! Honest!) This winding down signals the coming of the 'Final Death', or 'ril-ur'—literally 'end-light' or 'the end of light'. The first definite sign that this is happening is the appearance of spots of localised necrosis on the face or limbs, colloquially known as the 'marks of T'i-Her' after a goddess of death related to the Trinity. After their initial appearance, an Ultran's lifespan can be lengthened no more than six months with energy transfusions before the matrix deteriorates completely. Most of the time, one gets about three months to put one's affairs in order—write wills, say goodbye to people, do some travelling, things like that. Many choose a particular spot where they wish to pass on.
As the time draws to its end, the marks of T'i-Her spread and form dermal adhesions as the body itself begins to slowly fail. The senses become less and less sensitive. Eventually the body surrenders and the matrix sunders, casting its initial components back into the ether. And then—ideally after a long and productive life—s/he turns to light and disappears. Those who have the choice sometimes choose to spend their dying moments beside the nearest Spark fusion device, not in an effort to conserve energy, but to give their final energy to the network of suns that keep the planet alive.
There are no physical graves on the Land of Light. A family may choose to honor the deceased's memory in numerous ways, such as handing down tools of trade, for example, or a holograph on the table, or a small marker placed where the deceased chose to die, but beneath every sorrow is hope, for the one lost has reentered a great cycle, and will someday return to the world.
Death is not beautiful, but to face both life and death with courage and dignity is beauty itself.
- Daiyou Daijin
[+/-]'The End of Light'
Interestingly enough, Ril-ur is also the name of T'e-Areu's broadsword...which I think I'll cover in the next post.
- ウルトラ族は死ぬ(つまり寿命がありまして、命も「一つ」に限っている)
- ウルトラ族は死ぬと光になって消えれば、ウルトラ族は光で作られる体を持っています
- 光はエネルギーの形の一つ(まあ、これはよくご存じますね)
ティガ等の場合では、体の構造がそう固定していなかったものの為、守る星の岩や土で体を作り その器に自分の能力を注ぎ込みました。
生命力の弱化で、「絶なる死」 リル・ウルの時が近づいてるという事です。
[+/-] 「光の終わり」