If we move away from the Land of Light to look at Earth for a while, it is not insensible to see that people are different the world over. Some people are adapted to heat, some to cold, some to extreme heights; you have people whose ancestors were fishermen, farmers, warriors and so on; there are those who tolerate certain foods more readily than others such as spices, milk and meat. So it is with the Ultrans. It is not known whether Ulterra's axis was tilted from its sun, but geographical differences alone, along with the 'inherited professions' that remained after the supernova influenced the modern Ultrans that one sees today. The two most famous (visible) races are the Silver Ultrans and the Red Ultrans, who we'll be covering today, but there are still a few others who have their parts to play in the big picture. (We can't ALL be fighters and warriors...)
What follows below is but a general overview of Ulterra's inhabitants—of course there are exceptions to the norm, but this is what forms much of the population that Earth has so far known.
Silver Ultrans
Descended from the Ultra Elder, and the scientists that built the first Spark, Silvers are swifter than they are strong and known for keen thinking even in the heat of battle. They are generally of average build, with convex, almond-shaped compound eyes. With some variation to the rule, they are patterned red-on-silver, with a double curve stretching from shoulder to shoulder down the chest, covering the neck and back; a band of red from mid-back and waist to above the knee; and a cross- or sword-shaped band down each arm. The crest is generally short and compact, fused to the skull.
Red Ultrans
Scarlet-skinned Reds tend to be broad-shouldered and well-muscled, with a pattern of white extending from mid-sternum to the pelvis, branching across the hips and legs.The browline is quite prominent, and the hexagon-shaped eyes are somewhat set into the face, as are the ears. One or more pairs of grooves are set into the skull. Many have tecters, or armour which protects the shoulders and some portion of the chest, and a crystalline Beam Lamp in the centre of the forehead that sometimes serves as an energy level indicator. It is possibly connected to the pineal gland or 'third eye'. Some Reds have detachable crests, and use them as weapons. Their stamina and great strength makes them powerful fighters, and their psychokinetic powers are stronger than all others, giving them a slight advantage when it comes to telepathy or telekinesis...
Shin Ultrans
The Shins' most distinctive features are the high triangular crest (usually with an opening to concentrate energy near the front edge) and the helmet-like structure that forms much of the browline, hairline and nose. Most have a silver ring around the eyes which has been compared to the human double eyelid. They are somewhat chunky, built close to the ground with short, powerful limbs. Their red-on-silver body pattern somewhat resembles the Silvers, but end with three points where the Silver patterns end with only one. Some have simple tecters. Shin Ultrans are known for their ability to control energy more efficiently than many of their brethren, resulting in a plethora of specialised beam weapons at their fingertips, and also their strong empathic abilities. For this reason many are employed in jobs such as bomb disposal, monster wrangling and diplomacy.
Blue Ultrans
The three abovementioned sub-races have red or red-patterned skin, due to the iron-like pigment utetsu; Blues are blue due to the copper-like pigment, udou. They are able to better deal with cold environments and can develop greater stamina than even Reds, but are not quite fighters at heart, instead preferring to turn their energies to construction or other fields that require long-term concentration. This also enables them to liaise better with other entities. They are sturdily built, with the same compound eyes as Silvers and Shins, one or two sets of shallow grooves in the skull as the Reds, low, fixed crests and a groove at each inner corner of the eye. Shoulder tecters are not uncommon. Skin patterns are generally silver lines on two or three shades of blue, ranging from sky blue to nearly black.
White Ultrans
White Ultrans are focused, logical strategists with quick feet as well as quick minds. While a few work with the Space Garrison as messengers or couriers, many become engineers, programmers, accountants or analysts. They are not white so much as a very pale shade of silver. The slightly higher reflective properties of their skin allow them to deal with heat fluctuation better than most of their brethren. While they resemble the Red Ultrans, they are usually slimmer and longer-limbed with less prominent muscles, lack skull grooves and have comparatively paler eyes. Their skin patterns resemble those of the Reds, although they are white or dark grey. [+/-] Silvers and Reds...and Shins, Blues and Whites
With the loss of seasons across the planet, and climate managed by way of the Plasma Spark network, the little evolutionary quirks picked up across Ulterra are now just that—quirks with the source long gone. Nowadays the form is simply dictated by the nature of the energy that composes an Ultran, and it is not uncommon for, say a Red to be born of two Silvers (e.g. Taro). An Ultran, no matter what the colour, is still an Ultran—and s/he is still my hero, and yours and ours.
(ETA 4/7/08 - Edited to clean up the language and also replace 'pituitary' with 'pineal'. Somewhere a scientist is rolling in his grave.)
(ETA 24/8/08 - Fixed a Javascript tag.)
体の模様は白か、灰色で、レッド族のものに似ています。[+/-] シルバーにレッド…にシン、ブルー、ホワイト