September 14, 2008

The Types, They Are A-Changing   姿が変わってゆく

Right, after you're all done killing me for the horrible pun...The movie Great Showdown! Super Ultra 8 Brothers (大決戦!超ウルトラ8兄弟) is now out in Japan. Unfortunately the last time I wrote to TPC, they mentioned no plans to push it overseas, so...well, one will wait, vulture-like, for other means.

In the meantime, it's probably a fine time to make a short post and answer one question: How do Heisei Ultras typechange, when Showa Ultras rarely do?

The type changers or mode changers we have seen so far are Tiga, Dyna, Gaia, Cosmos, Justice and Nexus. That's about three different universes' worth of Ultras, if we're keeping count. Tiga and Dyna would be considered Radians: they are energy contained in physical bodies of their own creation. Altering the nature of this energy to contain threats might well be as easy to them as you and I changing clothes.

The rest are a little different from the latter. Gaia merely taps into the power Fujimiya/Agul bestowed to him halfway through the series; Cosmos Luna shifts to Corona when needs be, but his other mode shifts are triggered by external stimuli. Justice's mode shifts are internal, but Nexus' shifts depend on the Dunamist, and based on his use of the Armed Nexus and the nature of his energy attacks (very visible energy charging, Energy Core-centric attacks), it's safe to say that the energy that composes him is of a more volatile nature, closer to Radian build.

Which brings us to the Showa Ultras now, the Ultrans proper. Light energy comes together to form their physical bodies, so although they bleed light their physical forms are more 'static' than Heisei Ultras. It is possible for the nature of this energy to change, but only due to extreme internal or external stimuli, such as alien energy sources. Take Mebius' alternate forms, for instance. The most extreme example would be Phoenix Brave, the result of eight entities combining their energy.
[+/-] Chaaaange!...

But maybe, dear reader, you have a simpler explanation. Or one more complex. Why do you think Heiseis typechange, but Showa Ultras don't? (But for goodness sake, please don't mention 'toy sales' in there. Ultrandom is about loose science and worldbuilding, not stomping on children's dreams.)





[+/-] 変身~~~~!…
