(This article contains spoilers for Hikari Saga 1, and some of Mebius 9.)
Today, dear readers, I would like to tell you a story about a little blue planet in a corner of the universe, one that some call a 'star of miracles'.
Once upon a time, tucked away in a corner of the universe was a little planet with no name. By providence, it grew stable, orbiting a single star. The planet's surface heaved and rolled, producing gorges and mountains both. Volcanoes erupted, covering the whole planet with rich soil. Its atmosphere filled with oxygen and nitrogen and other gases life would find pleasant. Water ran under the soil and over it, carving its own paths. Mists filled the air, shielding it from the harshest radiation of the sun.
By even more providence, life did come to be on that planet. One species found its niche very fast, driving out all other competitors. It was not the physically strongest species, or the swiftest, but the most adaptable: the albes, arthropods with crystalline shells. Albes were omnivorous by nature, consuming anything from plants to predators to carrion. Their shells were fortified both by their food and also minerals extracted from the soil. They lived in colonies somewhat like ants with three clear roles: there were the male soldiers, who ingested poisonous plants to store their compounds within centipede-like fangs, attacking most fiercely as they died; female scouts and workers who collected food and watched for threats; and the queens who ruled and expanded the colonies. And through every colony rang the hive-mind, the deep unity that turned a bunch of albes into a cohesive whole. So numerous were they that the planet shone the very blue of their crystal bodies.
With time came intelligence, language and civilisation; and the albe queens became known as Tenke, the warriors Nalaha and the scouts Yaase. The hive-mind or Taraku became their sole tenet and for the most part, albe society retreated underground, only making the occasional sortie to get food for the colony. The struggles of life went on high above them, and as all other living things went extinct, they turned their diet to carrion and moss and water, and through evolution they lost their legs and much of their flying power. With no predators to disturb them, they grew more sedentary, and turned their faculties to the pursuit of knowledge and mental prowess. They developed telepathy and telekinesis that grew stronger with every generation. Whole castes and sometimes colonies fused over time into single entities, each little mind becoming a part of something greater.
Millennia passed, and the albes' evolution continued as their hunger for knowledge grew stronger. No longer were the groups physically different from one another; the singular intelligence of the Taraku had united them physically and mentally, and they functioned as virtually a single entity. They just knew who did what, without question. The yaases, well-camouflaged in their pointed crystalline shells, would stand guard over the pleasant green earth, waiting and watching for anyone who approached the megacolony. Roving alien visitors were not uncommon by that time. Peaceful visitors, of calm heart and mind, were questioned about the worlds beyond, for the albe could sense their guests' state of mind also. Those who came with the intention to hunt or harm or capture were summarily executed by the nalahas, and their thoughts dragged out of their dying minds. Through all these the albes learned of love and hate, war and peace, villains and heroes, honesty and deceit.
One year, a refugee came to the albes' world. Wounded beyond any help, he died on the beautiful ground and the albes gathered in his memories like stray fish. Shadows tipped them all; shadows with horns and slanted eyes, screeching in eternal hunger. He was the first, but gradually more and more appeared, and the albes came to know them all. Even the occasional predator now had memories of this shadow, and the albe knew fear on a personal level for the first time. In the earth and in their communal mind now lay memories of suffering and vengeance and despair and anger.
The albes were too static now on their world to even think that they could stand against these hungry shadows, but still they hoped and waited. Along with the memory of villains, there were memories of heroes, and many a creature had made known to them a race of silver-skinned giants who had come together to defend the peace of the universe, heading a sort of space garrison. The good respected them. The vicious feared them. It was in this strange race that the albes put their trust, swore allegiance and protection, and prophesised their fate. A race of insects still thinks as insects; if the hero did not appear, then their hope lay in their poison and strong mind and sheer numbers, sleeping and working and multiplying below the soil as they had done for so long. Thus, the prophecy ended:
...But even there will be hope.
From the tenke will come the yaase;
And clad in the armour of light
The nalaha, part of the earth of the albe.
The albe waited for their saviours for millennia more, and gradually the prophecy of Taraku became known as the prophecy of Tsurugi instead. The words changed, and what they believed, too, changed: that from the heavens would come a warrior, and clothing himself in armour of light, he would become one with the earth of Arb.
And that is the end of it, for on Arb, other types of stories begin even now. [+/-] Once upon a time, there was a little planet with no name...
(この記事に、ヒカリサーガ1 ウルトラマンメビウス第9話のネタバレが少し含まれています。)
今日は、宇宙の隅っこにある 「奇跡の星」とも言われる小さな青い惑星について語りたいと思います。
それは最強でも最速の生物ではなく、最も順応性を持っていた生物 水晶のような甲で体を守る節足動物のアルベでした。
あの日から、土とその偉大なる意識に、苦しみ 復讐 絶望や憤怒の記憶が存在した。
その巨人にアルベたちは信頼を託し、彼らに忠心と防御を誓い 運命を予言した。
『天空より舞い降りし勇者、光の鎧を纏い アーブの大地と一つにならん』と言う事に。
それがそれで終わった。なぜなれアーブの大地では、今でも別々の話が始まろうとしている。 [+/-] 昔 名もなき小さな惑星があった…
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