Happy Valentine's, folks—or if you're alternately inclined, Happy Singles Awareness Day! Whatever the case, may the day have been well-spent. I wish I had pretty pictures for everyone, but I bring pretty words instead. What better time to begin to talk of love than right now?
No matter how you frame it, love is a strange and somewhat ungraspable thing, coming in many shapes and sizes. Ultrans, too, are not immune to Cupid's influence. They have their own ways of declaring their feelings, one such way being the hal-shun, which translates into something like 'promise-bond' or bondsvow. It sounds rather like a Terran marital vow, but the hal-shun does not favour gender, age or status—it is simply the declaration of two people's will to come together, whether in love, brotherhood or something a little different. It's all-encompassing.
The hal-shun below is one of the most well known, dating from the pre-Spark era. Its translation from Classic Ultran below is attributed to Lanse Macyarn, a poet whose works reached their peak popularity during the 220-sen lightcycle (approx. 40 000 years ago). Macyarn is not his actual surname, but a title: 'word-smith'. Lanse was also known for his wide range of works, ranging from quiet, thoughtful odes about his native Lyrcade or bawdy ballads unsuitable for mixed company.
Trefoil Hal-shun
Brighter than the day be the bonds of comrades;
Stronger than the vresta* be the bonds of blood;
Purer than alcon** be the bonds of love.
We come together as equals, as two parts of a whole
Joined in free will and good spirit, without whip nor chain
Blessing and burden shared the same.
May our smallest joys together outweigh our greatest sorrows
May we love and be loved without hesitation
We will hold fast to each other in the heart of all storms
And we will shine out for each other upon the darkest of nights.
My contentment lies in the heart of your hands
Drink deep of my cup, and know happiness
We pledge this love, fearlessly and whole-heartedly
Two sparks bringing forth one light
And through bright days and dark nights, we will remain true to the other. [+/-] Trefoil Halshun
At this point, the vresta has been mentioned exactly twice: Once in the bondsvow, and once in passing while we talked of Galtan and T'e-Areu. What exactly the vresta is will be revealed in the next post. Stay tuned!
*alcon - 'unity stones'. Alcon are pieces of a certain crystal infused with a fragment of an Ultran's energy, reacting in tandem with the matrix of their donor. Regarded as talismans or proofs of love, they are often used to keep contact between family members who are far apart.
地球の結婚誓約に近い物にみえますけど、ハルシュンは性別 年齢 身分を考慮しません。
古代ウルテラ語からの通訳は、ウルトラ暦22万年(4万年前)頃に人気の頂点に上がった詩人 ランセ・マキャンの功績なんです。
ランセ氏は、故郷のリールケイドに関する穏やかで思慮深い叙情詩から 男女混合に不向きな下品のバラードまでの幅広い作品で知られています。
私達は同士として集い 二つの二分の一として
自由の意思と元気で繋がれて 鞭と鎖なき
私の杯から飲み 幸を知るがいい
私達はこの愛を誓う 恐れずに 全心で
そして明るい日にも暗い夜にも、相手に誠実でいる。 [+/-] 三つ葉のハルシュン
*アルコン - 「統一の石」。あるクリスタルにウルトラ人のほんの少しのエネルギーが注ぎ込まれる物で、提供者のマトリクスと共に反応する。お守りか恋の証と見られ、よく離れ離れになった親族の状態が分かれるように使われています。
February 14, 2009
Hal-shun: The Bondsvow 「縁誓」のハルシュン
February 01, 2009
Happy Moo Year from Ultrandom! 明けもーしておめでとうございます!
Starring Taro the Water Ox (1973) and Dyna the Fire Ox (1997). Click for a larger version.
Oh my gods, she's alive. Hello folks, and a Happy New Year to you! (It's not belated if you follow the lunar calendar! It's not the full moon yet, lalalalalalala...ow, who threw that brick?!)主演:水丑のタロウ(1973)と火丑のダイナ(1997)。クリックすると大きいバージョンが出ます。
The long silence was caused by a few troubles at work, but things have settled down a bit. I intend to resume some sort of regular update schedule (ergh, wish me luck) and go through the ideas I already have prepared. The continuity post has been updated to include N Project in the chart and the 8 Bros. canon in both the post and chart.
As a bit of an aside, this Earth Ox Year is slated to be a conservative and down to earth one. Water Oxes like Taro are said to be realistic, practical and ambitious, but also work well with others; Fire Oxes like Dyna are forceful, proud and outspoken, and suited for the military. Sounds like our two, all right. Here's to a great year ahead for everyone, and thank you for your continued readership!
P.S. - If anyone sees Dyna, tell him I want my Superglue back.
遅ればせながら 明けましておめでとうございます!
(…でも陰暦に従えば 未だ遅くはありません!まだ睦月の満月ではないのですオホホホ…痛い!誰がこのレンガを投げた?!)
P.S. - もしダイナを見かけたら、私の瞬間接着剤を返すようにと伝えてください。
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