April 12, 2008

Across the Universe(s)   世界(等)を越えて

When this post was first being written, the Super Ultra 8 Kyoudai movie (like...Ultra Ninja Manual Ultra?) was said to take place in a world where 'Ultraman and monsters do not exist—at least, they shouldn't.'


Now before y'all call me on being an ungrateful little fan, I WAS looking forward to this film. And it's a pretty decent film, so go watch it if you can. But when the news first hit the Internet, I was grinning hugely, because I thought there would finally be concrete connections between the Showa universe and the Heisei universes. Now everything's just a TV show for everyone, the hosts we all know and love...uh, aren't, and it all comes together in Yet Another Alternate Earth?

I'm starting to lose count of them all, so it's time for another post...

We know that there are at least this number of universes:

  • Showa canon 1, including Man, Zoffy, Seven, Jack, Ace, Father, Mother, Taro, Leo, Astra, King, Joe (The*Ultraman), Yullian, Chuck, Scott, Beth, Great, Powered, Chuck, Scott, Beth, Great, Powered, Zearth, Mebius and Hikari. Ultraman shows up, and his brethren keep on coming. Most are from the Land of Light in M78; Leo and Astra are from L77, Zearth is from Z95, Joe's from U40 and the Ultra Force appear to come from another different planet in M78 (Ultraman Ultra Secrets 100, Kodansha).
  • Showa canon 2, or Neos' and 21's world. These two are a bit of a special case. Yes, Zoffy appears, yet 'HEART doesn't seem to recognize Neos or the Ultraman concept, and the captain orders them to attack "the giant" (Wikipedia, Absolute Ultraman). Ultraman still hails from Nebula M78.
  • Heisei canon 1, which includes Tiga and Dyna. Ultraman is a TV show here, although he is said to appear in real life once or twice. Until Tiga's revival, such beings had been long forgotten. Tiga and Dyna come from, uh, far far away no matter how you look at it and are both strongly connected to light. Or The Light. Their kind once settled on Earth as superancient humanity's protectors (and they even had time for civil war, hey—see Ultraman Tiga: The Final Oddysey), but left after Gidzera and its psychotropic pollen interfered.
  • Heisei canon 2, including Gaia and Agul. Complete turnabout here; nobody knows what the heck Ultraman is. Both entities are spawned by the Earth as a defense mechanism. All this is a TV show, uh, somewhere. Maybe here? (Ultraman Tiga, Ultraman Dyna & Ultraman Gaia: Choujikuu no Daikessen)
  • Cosmos-Justice-Legend canon. UM is still just a television show. Monsters appear out of nowhere. First glimpse of something bigger than the Garrison—namely, Delacion and its, um, mercenaries. (Ultraman Cosmos 2: The Blue Planet et. al.) (I do not LIKE Delacion. You wouldn't, if you saw that stageshow with me.) Cosmos...probably comes from M78, which is what one would like to conclude just looking at his ears and headfin in Luna Mode. Under that logic, Justice probably does too.
  • Nice canon. Tiga is a TV show, but Nice is real enough and does indeed fight monsters! Our hero is from the planet TOY 1.
  • N Project canon, including Noa, Nexus and Next, as well as Faust, Mephisto and Zagi. Markedly bleaker and more gritty/realistic than any of the preceding, but it brings out the hope just as strongly. Ultraman does not exist anywhere on Earth before Next appears. Nobody quite seems to know where UM comes from (and initially, whether he's worth trusting.)
  • Showa canon 3, somewhat parallel to Showa canon 1. This is Max and Xenon's turf. Very similar monsters appear, and Max and Zenon both hail from M78. Perhaps not Ulterra, but the same galaxy...
  • Seven X canon, shown to be connected to the Showa canon [SPOILER]by the Aqua Project. Seven's world, too, is in danger of the Big Brother Aliens, and so he reaches out to help destroy them.[/SPOILER]. One can well presume this is THE Seven from M-78 and all, but it doesn't explain why he's so uber-powerful in this world. The less said about his 80s shoulders, the better.
  • Ultra 8 Brothers canon, mentioned briefly above. The Showa Ultras were simply characters on the television screen, and the Heiseis were not even known to exist. Somehow, however, beings from all three worlds came together in this reality, and perhaps it might happen again. Things look good for this world, whether it has its Ultras in permanent residence or not.
  • Ultra Galaxy canon, which is a bit of a mixed salad. In this universe, Man is happily flying great distances across the universe, the 'Ultraman' of the Showa 1 canon has not been seen for many years, and kaijuu have long become extinct—until they show up, at which time monsters from Gomora and Gun-Q to Golza and Garberos are shown happily rubbing shoulders. It's possible that Ultra Galaxy: Daikaijuu Battle is simply set in a very futuristic Showa 1, with the kaijuu from other canons either entering through wormholes of some sort or simply undiscovered during Mebius' time.
[+/-] Let's get together, yeah yeah yeah...

And if you want to count the manga(s), the number goes up too. Look at the lovely Story 0. The Emperans are nowhere in sight, and timeframes are all kinds of messed up.

The best part? Truly, any one canon might...just might...be this sad little universe we live in. Personally, I'm rooting for the Seven X canon. The, um, *cough* side effects of Aqua Project have promise.

What do you do, reader? Do you just lump them all together, or separate them into discrete realities?

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この記事が初めて書かれていたとき、情報によると2008年10月に台公開された映画「超ウルトラ8兄弟」(何だかウルトラ忍法帖超みたいv)は、 「ウルトラマンも怪獣も実在しない(世界に繰り広がれる)―はずだった。」




  • 第一番昭和世界はマン、ゾフィー、セブン、ジャック、エース、父、母、タロウ、レオ、アストラ、キング、ジョー(ザ☆ウルトラマン)、ユリアン、チャック、スコット、べす、グレート、パワード、ゼアス、メビウスとヒカリを含み、現実にウルトラマンが現れ、その仲間は今も世界の平和を守っている。
    大分はM78の光の国出身ですけど、レオとアストラはL77で生まれ、ゼアスの故郷はZ95星雲のピカリの国で、USAの「ウルトラフォース」チャック スコット ベスは、M78にある別の惑星の者らしい。(ウルトラマン超秘密100より)
  • 第二番昭和世界、またはネオスと21の世界。
  • 第一番平成世界、つまりティガとダイナの世界。ウルトラマンがただのテレビ番組ですけど、初代ウルトラマンが一度二度現実の世界に姿を現した。ティガの再生まで、ウルトラの存在が遠く前に忘れられていた。
  • 第二番平成世界、ガイアとアグルの世界。ここでは「ウルトラマン」と言う言葉は全く意味を持っていません。二人も地球の防御機構で生まれてきた。
  • コスモスの世界、そしてジャスティス、レジェンドの世界。ウルトラマンはまだ ただの子供向けテレビ番組である。怪獣は知らないところから現れる。
    この世界で「宇宙警備隊」よりも大きな存在 デラシオンとその使い達がいます。

  • ナイスの世界。ティガはテレビ番組のみだけですけど、ナイスは十分リアルなもので、怪獣と戦います。
  • Nプロジェクトの世界はノア、ネクサス、ネクスト そしてファウスト、メフィスト、ザギを含みます。前の作品より世界観が暗くて絶望を感じれる。でもその代わりに希望も強く感じれる。ウルトラマンというものは、ネクストの登場まで地球で存在しなかった。彼の出身地も、誰にも明らかにされていなさそう。(初めにも、信頼できる存在かどうかのもちょっとうやむやでした。)
  • 第三番昭和世界は、第一番の昭和世界のパラレルで存在していると見られます。ココは、マックスとゼノンの庭張りv
  • セブンXの世界は確実に第一番昭和世界と繋がっている。ktkr
  • ウルトラ8兄弟の世界では昭和のウルトラ戦士はただテレビのキャラクターで、平成ウルトラマンたちの存在はまったく知られていないでした。ともかくもその三つの世界の者がこの現実に集まり、そしてその事の再現もまたあるかもしれません。ここにウルトラズは恒久的にいますかいませんかに関わらず、ここの未来は明るいなんでしょう。
  • ウルトラギャラクシーの世界は、すこしチャンプルーになっているみたい。(汗)
    この世界では人間はすでに宇宙を長旅し始めて、「ウルトラマン」も「怪獣」も昔の話に過ぎていない。 しかし怪獣が現れたら、ゴモラとガンQからゴルザとガルベロスまでの怪獣が肩並べして暴れまわっている。おそらくウルトラギャラクシー 大怪獣バトルは昭和1の遠い未来にあるもので、他の怪獣はワームホールやらから忍び込んだのか、まだメビウスの時代に未発見でいた可能性も高い。
[+/-] Let's get together, yeah yeah yeah…

たとえば、神作の「STORY 0」では、恐るべきエンペラー星人の存在が全くなく(私が知っている限り)



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