April 05, 2008

How The Trinity Created the World   三位の創世

Going along with the, er, poll, here's one Ultran creation myth. But first, some background:

The oldest religion on Ulterra, or the Land of Light to give its more familiar name, is Trinitism, based on the veneration of three main gods: T'e-Areu, T'e-Hefa and T'i-Artem, who are said to have sprung from the first nothingness and created the universe. Over time, other divinities came to be born of the nothingness, but the three, or the Trinity, stand equal at the top of the pantheon.

This, then, is their story.

In the beginning was the Great Void, An-Mo. It was neither hot nor cold, neither male nor female, neither bright nor dark. It was simply the Great Void, the nothingness.

Time passed, and time passed, and gradually the Great Void began to change. It became a sort of shapeless something, and that something gradually split into three. Thus were three divine beings born: T'e-Areu, T'e-Hefa and T'i-Artem. Brothers and sister all of them were, and they roamed free in what remained of the Great Void.

Time passed and time passed again, and the three grew up and roamed no more. Such a vast space was good, but there was naught to see and naught to feel. They desired to see others like them, and so for the first time they truly exercised their powers.

T'e-Areu was the first, and he stretched his arms wide. He stirred through the nothingness, faster and faster. From his fingers poured all things that could shine; the suns, the stars, the comets, the galaxies. Light and darkness came to be, and T'e-Areu who created them became god of the sun.

T'e-Hefa looked on at T'e-Areu's work, and said "I will do as much." From the firmament he snatched two stars and a passing comet, and these he made into anvil, hammer and tongs. He smote at the nothingness with great blows, and sparks flew vigorously. From his anvil came all physical things: the planets, the rocks, the rivers, the trees, the clouds and the skies. Worlds came to be under light and darkness, and T'e-Hefa who forged them became god of the earth.

T'i-Artem looked on at T'e-Areu and T'e-Hefa's work, and she too said "I will do as much". She gathered the dust from T'e-Hefa's anvil, spoke a few words, and breathed into her hands. From her palms swirled all living things: plants, fish, beasts and birds. Life came to the worlds under light and darkness, and T'i-Artem who birthed them became the goddess of the moon.

So it was that all came to be, except for people themselves. Their creation is another story, and there are yet other stories, such as that of Galtan Stareater, and T'i-Her the goddess of death, and how the Ultran people came to be. But those stories take place long after this one, and this one is the beginning.




ウルテラ(またの名は光の国)では、最古なる宗教は 主に三人の神の崇拝に基づいてるトリニティスム(三位教)です。 その三人の神 テ・アレウ テ・ヘファ ティ・アーテムは、無から生まれた存在で万物を作り出した存在と見られています。他にも祭られている神がありそうですが、この三人の「トリニティ」が同位でパンテオンの最高の地位に立っている。


暑くも寒くもなく、 陰でも陽でもなくて、明るくも暗くもなかった。ただ、大いなる無であった。




天空から星二個と通りすぎていた彗星を摘み、それを金敷 鉄鎚 火箸に変えました。無数の火花が飛び上がるほどに無を強打し続けました。金敷から万体が作り出されました:惑星、岩、皮、森の木、雲や空。


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