March 30, 2008

April Fool's is here!   四月馬鹿が来た!

Ultrafans are reminded to stop by Tsuburaya Productions' official website on the 1st of April and check out what they come up with this year for 24 hours! I'm hoping for a return of Nana-Hachi, if only to catch the return of Hikari and his plentiful emoticons. (It's always the quiet ones...)

Also don't forget to vote、as we close next week!

(ETA: No, no Channel78 this year OR NanaHachi. But Kanegon does blog. Choice highlights include UM answering your questions*, how to get employed by the Space Garrison (er, sorta), talk about NanaHachi, stuff that keeps happening on Earth and...Ultra Mother pr0n memes. Thanks, Balkie, now you're at the top of my list! The 'smack with a large blunt object on sight' list, that is.)

For those in the know, a certain UM fansite has also played along's...ohgod. @_@ *ded*

*Somehow this...irritates me. UM seems to be poking fun, albeit gently, at some of the posters. No, seriously, man, treat the questions like they're important?

...Yeah, I'm one of those OMG INTARTOOBZ SRS BZNZ people.


4月一日に、円谷プロのオフィシャルサイトで 24時間限定にナニカが行われますので、お見逃しなく!


チャンネル78とエムナナハチあんまり出かった…だが!カネゴンがブログる! その中にウルトラマンが質問を答えたり、* ウルトラマンになりたい人もいるし (一応)、 ナナハチのスレもあるし地球にあんな事こんな事がよくあったりウルトラの母の??な映像メームまで収録されている。

偉いねぇ、バルキー。 キミは私のリストのトップだよ。「見かけたら鈍器で即一発」リストだけどね。



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