February 01, 2009

Happy Moo Year from Ultrandom!   明けもーしておめでとうございます!

Taro is requesting that Dyna not steal his senior's role. Vehemently.
Starring Taro the Water Ox (1973) and Dyna the Fire Ox (1997). Click for a larger version.

Oh my gods, she's alive. Hello folks, and a Happy New Year to you! (It's not belated if you follow the lunar calendar! It's not the full moon yet, lalalalalalala...ow, who threw that brick?!)

The long silence was caused by a few troubles at work, but things have settled down a bit. I intend to resume some sort of regular update schedule (ergh, wish me luck) and go through the ideas I already have prepared. The continuity post has been updated to include N Project in the chart and the 8 Bros. canon in both the post and chart.

As a bit of an aside, this Earth Ox Year is slated to be a conservative and down to earth one. Water Oxes like Taro are said to be realistic, practical and ambitious, but also work well with others; Fire Oxes like Dyna are forceful, proud and outspoken, and suited for the military. Sounds like our two, all right. Here's to a great year ahead for everyone, and thank you for your continued readership!

P.S. - If anyone sees Dyna, tell him I want my Superglue back.


遅ればせながら 明けましておめでとうございます!
(…でも陰暦に従えば 未だ遅くはありません!まだ睦月の満月ではないのですオホホホ…痛い!誰がこのレンガを投げた?!)



P.S. - もしダイナを見かけたら、私の瞬間接着剤を返すようにと伝えてください。

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