Located in the constellation of Leo, L77 was said to be one of the most beautiful planets in the universe. As we all probably know, lions were very important beasts on L77, and you would have been able to find motifs of them everywhere you looked. The king sat upon a throne of lions; the crimson gem (similar to the Terran ruby, or corundum?) passed down through the royal line was called the 'Eye of The Lion'; and lions were a popular motif in art and craft, especially when it came to objects used by royalty. They were symbols of courage, power, fairness and endurance. Even the swift, intelligent maned dogs kept as pets across the planet were said to be inspired by breeders' perceptions of lions, although with the horns, five-fingered paws and scaly backs there is equal argument that they represent the long or dragon instead, or even concurrently.
Leonids venerated two deities, in the form of—you guessed it—lions. In a rather unusual reversal of the associations of yin and yang, Amret the white lioness was associated with light, activity, justice, solidity, civility, peace, fire and metal; Mabret the black lion was a being of darkness, silence, cunning, fluidity, savagery, war, water and wood. Together they create the universe, and then sleep or wander. When they awaken again they fight for dominance, destroying what came before and creating yet another new world. This world was said to be the seventh, resulting in the number's veneration. Some tellings say that in their last battle, Amret bit out Mabret's eye, the very Eye of The Lion, and Amret's own eye was torn out and became L77 itself. The principle of duality and balance is also given high import; twins amongst Leonids are rare and very often celebrated as blessings from the two lions, Liaret.
Much of L77's culture was lost when the planet was destroyed by the Magma Seijin forces; even today it is not known if there were any further survivors of the incident beyond the then-princes of the monarchy, Leo of Alse and Astra of Alse. What is related here is gleaned from the archives of Levet Arakis, who some refer to as the succeeder of Tucel Shajar. The verse is written in the iambic heptameter popular of that time, a little bit before the ascencion of King Alse Shiraga to the throne.
The cycle turns and things will live and die once more; 'tis law
Set down by forces greater than our Lion King. This world
is bound to seek its own renewal, time and time again
With single life begat by death and death begat by life.
The lions two bear every cycle etch'd within their bones.
Hail Amret, white of pelt and green of eye, of peace and light!
Hail Mabret, black of pelt and red of of eye, or war and night!
Of this world, they are ev'rything and nothing all at once.
They sleep and wander through the fields of stars and suns until
they meet once more, awake, and order then begins its end.
Behold! Fang meets with fang; the strike of claws is met with claws
Upturned are all the worlds around; the struggle does not cease
Until all worlds around are drawn into the fray, and fall.
Such power cannot be withstood by things alive and dead.
Destruction! Ai, destruction! That is all that can exist
and slowly will the seven pillars of the heavens fall.
No light, no dark, no air, no sky, none live and unalive;
the universe returns into the void from which it came.
White Amret licks her wounds; her milk-blood falls like shining pearls
to bear the stars again that roam across the space so bare.
Black Mabret shakes his mane; the tatter'd fur breaks from its bounds
And drifting on his hallow'd breath, the tufts become our roots.
White Amret sneezes sore. Black Mabret merely laughs in jest.
The fight forgotten, black and white in peace and concord lie.
And from this lying comes the gift of sleep and life anew;
The dust of battle settles down and gathers into form.
A brand new world will dawn from all the damage that is wrought
And still the lions sleep, and drift apart within that sleep.
This is the world begat from the twin lions' seventh sleep.
White Amret and her consort, Mabret far apart once more.
The cycle turns and things will live and die once more; 'tis law
The people of the lion's blood will tell the tale once more. [+/-] The Liaret
王は獅子の玉座に座っており 王家に代々伝わってきた真紅の宝玉石(もしは地球の紅玉かコランダムに似ている?)は「獅子の瞳」と呼ばれ 獅子は美術の主なモチーフにもなりました。特に、王家の家具になる物に。
勇気 力 公正 辛抱のシンボルともなりました。
にしても、額のの小さくて鈍い角 五指の手足 うろこ状の物がついた背中をも見れば、その犬は龍(ロン)の象徴であるか 獅子と龍の合わせた象徴である議論もあります。
L77星人は獅子の姿をした2人の神を奉りました。陰陽のちょっとした逆転の様に、白いの雌獅子アムレトは光 活力 正義 安固 礼儀 平和 炎 金と関連して、黒い雄獅子マブレトは闇 静寂 狡猾さ 流動 軟性 残虐 戦争 水 木二関連した存在でした。その二匹は万物をつくりあげ寝込みまたは彷徨い、もう一度目を覚めたら 優位を取る為に争い現在の世界を滅び次の世界を築く。現在の世界は第七番の世界と言う為、L77にもその数字が崇めている。
ある伝説によると最後の戦いの中ではアムレトに噛み取られたマブレトの目が「獅子の瞳」になり 互いにもぎ取ったアムレトの瞳はL77となりました。
惑星L77の大分の文化は マグマ星人に滅ぼされた時に失われてしまいました。
現在にも災害時の王子 アルスのレオとアルスのアストラ以外の生存者がいるのかいないのかは不明である。
目が覚めているまままた顔を合わせたら 秩序の終わりが始まる。
周りの世界はひっくり返られ 争いは終わらない
光も 闇も 空気も 空も 生物も無生物も無く
白きアムレトは傷を舐める その乳血は輝く真珠の様に零れ
黒きマブレトは鬣を揺らす ボロボロの毛は根が折り
神聖なる息に流され 毛房は我が根になる。
獅子の血を引く者達はまた伝説をを伝えてゆく。」 [+/-] リアレト…
December 29, 2008
The Twin Lions: Amret and Mabret 双獅のアムレトとマブレト
November 18, 2008
Fully booked! フーリーブックド!
Hello everyone, this is your friendly neighbourhood Ming speaking. I apologise for the sudden dearth of material, but things heated up very suddenly at work and my schedule went berserk. The good news is I do have a few ideas in reserve (and would like your help choosing one for the next article. See the sidebar.).

The better news, particularly if you're a fan in South East Asia, is that now the Chaiyo rights fiasco is over books have naturally flowed back into those countries (After years, may I add! This could be oldish news, though). I went to KL's Kinokuniya with my friend Panda-senpai and scared her with the amount of literature I lugged back. Thank you for keeping me company, P, and for lugging half the books around while I scouted for more...^^;
I've added the appropriate new acquisitions to the FAQ, under the references section. There's also something else there you might want to check out there, about fanfiction. Particularly if you write it. ;)
(ETA: The world continuity post has been updated slightly with a new map, and Galtan Stareater's post now features more art depicting him, including an old scroll unearthed in the city of Lyrcade. All posts up to May have been cleaned up slightly, particlarly to expand references and remove some horrible spelling errors in Japanese. Somehow Space Garrison became In-The-Rain Garrison. Don't ask. Webclap is in the midst of preparations, so please wait a little longer for that!)

小説についてちょっとお知らせがありますので、小説を書く皆さんも、かならず一度 目に通してくださいね!
September 14, 2008
The Types, They Are A-Changing 姿が変わってゆく
Right, after you're all done killing me for the horrible pun...The movie Great Showdown! Super Ultra 8 Brothers (大決戦!超ウルトラ8兄弟) is now out in Japan. Unfortunately the last time I wrote to TPC, they mentioned no plans to push it overseas, so...well, one will wait, vulture-like, for other means.
In the meantime, it's probably a fine time to make a short post and answer one question: How do Heisei Ultras typechange, when Showa Ultras rarely do?
The type changers or mode changers we have seen so far are Tiga, Dyna, Gaia, Cosmos, Justice and Nexus. That's about three different universes' worth of Ultras, if we're keeping count. Tiga and Dyna would be considered Radians: they are energy contained in physical bodies of their own creation. Altering the nature of this energy to contain threats might well be as easy to them as you and I changing clothes.
The rest are a little different from the latter. Gaia merely taps into the power Fujimiya/Agul bestowed to him halfway through the series; Cosmos Luna shifts to Corona when needs be, but his other mode shifts are triggered by external stimuli. Justice's mode shifts are internal, but Nexus' shifts depend on the Dunamist, and based on his use of the Armed Nexus and the nature of his energy attacks (very visible energy charging, Energy Core-centric attacks), it's safe to say that the energy that composes him is of a more volatile nature, closer to Radian build.
Which brings us to the Showa Ultras now, the Ultrans proper. Light energy comes together to form their physical bodies, so although they bleed light their physical forms are more 'static' than Heisei Ultras. It is possible for the nature of this energy to change, but only due to extreme internal or external stimuli, such as alien energy sources. Take Mebius' alternate forms, for instance. The most extreme example would be Phoenix Brave, the result of eight entities combining their energy. [+/-] Chaaaange!...
But maybe, dear reader, you have a simpler explanation. Or one more complex. Why do you think Heiseis typechange, but Showa Ultras don't? (But for goodness sake, please don't mention 'toy sales' in there. Ultrandom is about loose science and worldbuilding, not stomping on children's dreams.)
最たる例のメビウスフェニックスブレーブは、8人の存在者の力を合わせた結果です。[+/-] 変身~~~~!…
August 31, 2008
Tragedy and Truth on Arb アーブの悲劇と真実

(This article contains spoilers for Hikari Saga 1, and some of Mebius 9.)
Today, dear readers, I would like to tell you a story about a little blue planet in a corner of the universe, one that some call a 'star of miracles'.
Once upon a time, tucked away in a corner of the universe was a little planet with no name. By providence, it grew stable, orbiting a single star. The planet's surface heaved and rolled, producing gorges and mountains both. Volcanoes erupted, covering the whole planet with rich soil. Its atmosphere filled with oxygen and nitrogen and other gases life would find pleasant. Water ran under the soil and over it, carving its own paths. Mists filled the air, shielding it from the harshest radiation of the sun.
By even more providence, life did come to be on that planet. One species found its niche very fast, driving out all other competitors. It was not the physically strongest species, or the swiftest, but the most adaptable: the albes, arthropods with crystalline shells. Albes were omnivorous by nature, consuming anything from plants to predators to carrion. Their shells were fortified both by their food and also minerals extracted from the soil. They lived in colonies somewhat like ants with three clear roles: there were the male soldiers, who ingested poisonous plants to store their compounds within centipede-like fangs, attacking most fiercely as they died; female scouts and workers who collected food and watched for threats; and the queens who ruled and expanded the colonies. And through every colony rang the hive-mind, the deep unity that turned a bunch of albes into a cohesive whole. So numerous were they that the planet shone the very blue of their crystal bodies.
With time came intelligence, language and civilisation; and the albe queens became known as Tenke, the warriors Nalaha and the scouts Yaase. The hive-mind or Taraku became their sole tenet and for the most part, albe society retreated underground, only making the occasional sortie to get food for the colony. The struggles of life went on high above them, and as all other living things went extinct, they turned their diet to carrion and moss and water, and through evolution they lost their legs and much of their flying power. With no predators to disturb them, they grew more sedentary, and turned their faculties to the pursuit of knowledge and mental prowess. They developed telepathy and telekinesis that grew stronger with every generation. Whole castes and sometimes colonies fused over time into single entities, each little mind becoming a part of something greater.
Millennia passed, and the albes' evolution continued as their hunger for knowledge grew stronger. No longer were the groups physically different from one another; the singular intelligence of the Taraku had united them physically and mentally, and they functioned as virtually a single entity. They just knew who did what, without question. The yaases, well-camouflaged in their pointed crystalline shells, would stand guard over the pleasant green earth, waiting and watching for anyone who approached the megacolony. Roving alien visitors were not uncommon by that time. Peaceful visitors, of calm heart and mind, were questioned about the worlds beyond, for the albe could sense their guests' state of mind also. Those who came with the intention to hunt or harm or capture were summarily executed by the nalahas, and their thoughts dragged out of their dying minds. Through all these the albes learned of love and hate, war and peace, villains and heroes, honesty and deceit.
One year, a refugee came to the albes' world. Wounded beyond any help, he died on the beautiful ground and the albes gathered in his memories like stray fish. Shadows tipped them all; shadows with horns and slanted eyes, screeching in eternal hunger. He was the first, but gradually more and more appeared, and the albes came to know them all. Even the occasional predator now had memories of this shadow, and the albe knew fear on a personal level for the first time. In the earth and in their communal mind now lay memories of suffering and vengeance and despair and anger.
The albes were too static now on their world to even think that they could stand against these hungry shadows, but still they hoped and waited. Along with the memory of villains, there were memories of heroes, and many a creature had made known to them a race of silver-skinned giants who had come together to defend the peace of the universe, heading a sort of space garrison. The good respected them. The vicious feared them. It was in this strange race that the albes put their trust, swore allegiance and protection, and prophesised their fate. A race of insects still thinks as insects; if the hero did not appear, then their hope lay in their poison and strong mind and sheer numbers, sleeping and working and multiplying below the soil as they had done for so long. Thus, the prophecy ended:
...But even there will be hope.
From the tenke will come the yaase;
And clad in the armour of light
The nalaha, part of the earth of the albe.
The albe waited for their saviours for millennia more, and gradually the prophecy of Taraku became known as the prophecy of Tsurugi instead. The words changed, and what they believed, too, changed: that from the heavens would come a warrior, and clothing himself in armour of light, he would become one with the earth of Arb.
And that is the end of it, for on Arb, other types of stories begin even now. [+/-] Once upon a time, there was a little planet with no name...
(この記事に、ヒカリサーガ1 ウルトラマンメビウス第9話のネタバレが少し含まれています。)
今日は、宇宙の隅っこにある 「奇跡の星」とも言われる小さな青い惑星について語りたいと思います。
それは最強でも最速の生物ではなく、最も順応性を持っていた生物 水晶のような甲で体を守る節足動物のアルベでした。
あの日から、土とその偉大なる意識に、苦しみ 復讐 絶望や憤怒の記憶が存在した。
その巨人にアルベたちは信頼を託し、彼らに忠心と防御を誓い 運命を予言した。
『天空より舞い降りし勇者、光の鎧を纏い アーブの大地と一つにならん』と言う事に。
それがそれで終わった。なぜなれアーブの大地では、今でも別々の話が始まろうとしている。 [+/-] 昔 名もなき小さな惑星があった…
August 25, 2008
Ultrandom is back! ウルトランダム、ただ今再起動!

Many thanks to those of you who kept on coming—and to the new visitors as well! It seems we have people stopping by from not just Japan and S.E. Asia, but also China, Hong Kong, Australia, and even Italy! I don't know enough languages to express my thanks to all of you, so please accept a great big Crosstongue 'Zha sudir' from Ultrandom! :D
Further question submissions, as always, are welcome, and I'll see you all next week when we discuss something sticky about the planet Arb. (I hope.)
どうやら最近は日本と東南アジアだけではなく、中国 香港 オーストラリアやイタリアからの読者もいらっしゃいます。
July 12, 2008
Recharge time リチャージの時間
It's been a while, hasn't it ^^; Sorry for the long silence Ultrandom hasn't been updated for the past one-two weeks for various reasons: work is becoming exceedingly busy, a friend of mine went for an operation (Lamster, get well soon!) and most major of all, my grandmother took a spill and broke her leg. This means weekends with very little net access for the next few weeks as my part of the family goes to take care of her.
Ultrandom will be updating on and off until things stabilise, so if you want to send in your own questions, it's a great time to get them in. The address is in the FAQ! Thanks for stopping by, folks. It's quite rewarding to see visitors coming in from all over the place, and I hope you'll keep on checking back!
June 29, 2008
The 'Races' of Ulterra ウルトラ族の皆
If we move away from the Land of Light to look at Earth for a while, it is not insensible to see that people are different the world over. Some people are adapted to heat, some to cold, some to extreme heights; you have people whose ancestors were fishermen, farmers, warriors and so on; there are those who tolerate certain foods more readily than others such as spices, milk and meat. So it is with the Ultrans. It is not known whether Ulterra's axis was tilted from its sun, but geographical differences alone, along with the 'inherited professions' that remained after the supernova influenced the modern Ultrans that one sees today. The two most famous (visible) races are the Silver Ultrans and the Red Ultrans, who we'll be covering today, but there are still a few others who have their parts to play in the big picture. (We can't ALL be fighters and warriors...)
What follows below is but a general overview of Ulterra's inhabitants—of course there are exceptions to the norm, but this is what forms much of the population that Earth has so far known.
Silver Ultrans
Descended from the Ultra Elder, and the scientists that built the first Spark, Silvers are swifter than they are strong and known for keen thinking even in the heat of battle. They are generally of average build, with convex, almond-shaped compound eyes. With some variation to the rule, they are patterned red-on-silver, with a double curve stretching from shoulder to shoulder down the chest, covering the neck and back; a band of red from mid-back and waist to above the knee; and a cross- or sword-shaped band down each arm. The crest is generally short and compact, fused to the skull.
Red Ultrans
Scarlet-skinned Reds tend to be broad-shouldered and well-muscled, with a pattern of white extending from mid-sternum to the pelvis, branching across the hips and legs.The browline is quite prominent, and the hexagon-shaped eyes are somewhat set into the face, as are the ears. One or more pairs of grooves are set into the skull. Many have tecters, or armour which protects the shoulders and some portion of the chest, and a crystalline Beam Lamp in the centre of the forehead that sometimes serves as an energy level indicator. It is possibly connected to the pineal gland or 'third eye'. Some Reds have detachable crests, and use them as weapons. Their stamina and great strength makes them powerful fighters, and their psychokinetic powers are stronger than all others, giving them a slight advantage when it comes to telepathy or telekinesis...
Shin Ultrans
The Shins' most distinctive features are the high triangular crest (usually with an opening to concentrate energy near the front edge) and the helmet-like structure that forms much of the browline, hairline and nose. Most have a silver ring around the eyes which has been compared to the human double eyelid. They are somewhat chunky, built close to the ground with short, powerful limbs. Their red-on-silver body pattern somewhat resembles the Silvers, but end with three points where the Silver patterns end with only one. Some have simple tecters. Shin Ultrans are known for their ability to control energy more efficiently than many of their brethren, resulting in a plethora of specialised beam weapons at their fingertips, and also their strong empathic abilities. For this reason many are employed in jobs such as bomb disposal, monster wrangling and diplomacy.
Blue Ultrans
The three abovementioned sub-races have red or red-patterned skin, due to the iron-like pigment utetsu; Blues are blue due to the copper-like pigment, udou. They are able to better deal with cold environments and can develop greater stamina than even Reds, but are not quite fighters at heart, instead preferring to turn their energies to construction or other fields that require long-term concentration. This also enables them to liaise better with other entities. They are sturdily built, with the same compound eyes as Silvers and Shins, one or two sets of shallow grooves in the skull as the Reds, low, fixed crests and a groove at each inner corner of the eye. Shoulder tecters are not uncommon. Skin patterns are generally silver lines on two or three shades of blue, ranging from sky blue to nearly black.
White Ultrans
White Ultrans are focused, logical strategists with quick feet as well as quick minds. While a few work with the Space Garrison as messengers or couriers, many become engineers, programmers, accountants or analysts. They are not white so much as a very pale shade of silver. The slightly higher reflective properties of their skin allow them to deal with heat fluctuation better than most of their brethren. While they resemble the Red Ultrans, they are usually slimmer and longer-limbed with less prominent muscles, lack skull grooves and have comparatively paler eyes. Their skin patterns resemble those of the Reds, although they are white or dark grey. [+/-] Silvers and Reds...and Shins, Blues and Whites
With the loss of seasons across the planet, and climate managed by way of the Plasma Spark network, the little evolutionary quirks picked up across Ulterra are now just that—quirks with the source long gone. Nowadays the form is simply dictated by the nature of the energy that composes an Ultran, and it is not uncommon for, say a Red to be born of two Silvers (e.g. Taro). An Ultran, no matter what the colour, is still an Ultran—and s/he is still my hero, and yours and ours.
(ETA 4/7/08 - Edited to clean up the language and also replace 'pituitary' with 'pineal'. Somewhere a scientist is rolling in his grave.)
(ETA 24/8/08 - Fixed a Javascript tag.)
体の模様は白か、灰色で、レッド族のものに似ています。[+/-] シルバーにレッド…にシン、ブルー、ホワイト
June 22, 2008
The Lost Race 「失われた一族」
(Disclaimer: This article was written before the premiere of Daikessen! Chou Ultra 8 Kyoudai.)
Most if not all primers on 'modern' Ultran history start with this picture:

It is a very puzzling prospect to have buildings like those found in ancient Greece existing side-by-side with technology advanced enough to create an artificial sun—or a network of them. Some say that this is simply a great example of ancient culture being preserved alongside modern development. Others will tell you that sciences advanced far more rapidly than architecture due to the influence of the Radian, the 'missing race' of Ulterra.
It is said that long before the supernova and the age of the Ultra Elder, 'men beyond men' lived amongst the common folk. Their kind was called the Radians, and they were said to hail from 'the Shining Grounds'. Some called them spirits taking human form and visiting the physical plane; others said they were messengers of the gods themselves. 'They are very like men and women', wrote the historian Tucel, 'and they speak man's speech. But there is a light in their eyes not like ours, and a wisdom and strength not like ours. Appear they enrobed in three colours, for they are like the cool light of the moon, the strength of the earth and the speed of the wind. They do not seem to age, merely passing year by year like stones and trees. Blessed are those who encounter them, for the gods smile upon their people.' The technological advances they helped develop pushed Ulterra to new heights, turning it into the flourishing, peaceful utopia it was for many, many millennia.
But one day, very suddenly, the Radians vanished completely.
The last official mention of the race is located within the Quatrefoil Treaty, forged between the major races of Ulterra to jointly develop the piece of land that is today's planetary capital, Ultra Metro. It was thought that after the treaty, the Radians simply became integrated with the rest of society; however, the Radian stronghold was said to be the landmass of Radiane, and while the area is rich in minerals and certain rare types of mosses, there is very little evidence to say it was ever inhabited. If they existed, they must have packed up and left without a trace. Their existence still remains much of a mystery, as two hundred years after the treaty, Ulterra's sun went supernova. In 259-sen-590, a stone tablet was discovered in Radiane portraying a man that looked...rather like a modern Ultran.

Some time later, a recruit from the Space Garrison claimed to have seen a Radian for himself, providing a detailed physical description to go with it. On patrol, Man Daiji had chased the monster Yanakahgi through a wormhole. Sealing it in a quantity of dihydrogen monoxide, he left a means of summons with an inhabitant of that planet, in case it should return. When that summons arrived, he found himself face to face with a Radian man, and they fought the beast together. There was scarce contact shortly after, and Man was only able to learn the other's name: Tiga.
The wormhole's position was noted down and agents from the Space Intelligence Bureau continue to investigate the existence of the Radians on this alternate Earth, learning more about the circumstances of these mysterious comrades. Soon, perhaps, both will meet upon the battlefield, fighting as equals. [+/-] '...There is...wisdom and strength not like ours'
Next time on Ultrandom - a brief introduction to the rest of the current 'races'.
(放棄: この論文は、映画「大決戦!超ウルトラ8兄弟」の初公開前に書かれたものです。)

ですが ある日突然、レーディアンは完全に消えた。
正式なものでレーディアンの最後の表彰は、現在の首都ウルトラ・メトロを一緒に発達するように ウルテラの原種の中で結ばれた四葉盟約にある。

その男 マン・ダイジは、パトロール中で怪獣ヤナカーギを追い始めて、ワームホールを潜り抜けた。
近いうちに、ウルトラ族とレーディアン族はもう一度戦場で戦士同士として会うかもしれません。[+/-] 「我々のようなものではない…賢明と力がおります」
June 12, 2008
(Not so) Blitzkrieg Paintchat Quatre! (そうでもない)突撃電撃絵茶其の四!
Well, folks, you know the drill: Friday night Japan time, there will be a paintchat from about 9.30 to midnight. Feel free to drop by and talk/draw Ultra!
Still admittedly at a loss as to what to do for this week. Perhaps one shall work on the image backlog...
June 08, 2008
Den-Kou: The First Six デンコウ:「初六」
Uchuu ni heiwa ga kuru made wa
Chikara wo awaserunda, roku kyoudai
(Until peace comes to the universe
Join your strength, Six Brothers)
Many may be surprised to find that the song does not refer to the Six Ultra Brothers that Earth knows so well, much as the Ballad of the Ultra Mother is one of ALL Ultran mothers. Before Ultraman, Seven, Jack, Ace, Zoffy and Taro—in the time of the Emperan occupation, to be exact—there were six stalwart men responsible for leading the resistance forces and finally breaking the invaders' hold over Ulterra. (Yes, an occupation. The Emperans stormed in 30 thousand years ago. Zoffy is 25 thousand years old, but his Star Marks are medals of valour for battling the Emperans. One does the math.) They were the ones who most captured society's hearts, and even today they are known as the Den-Kou Dairin: The First Six Great Brothers, or more commonly, just the First Six; it is they who will be introduced today.
Kenjin Ihaim
The oldest out of the group, responsible for keeping the forces united and focused throughout the whole struggle. A man of considerable charisma, he was 'taller than many and pleasant of appearance'. Possessing the naturally keen mind of the Silver Ultran, Kenjin came up with many of the resistance's attack strategies. Kenjin was married to Danae Quinion and his elder son, Cephis, was one of the resistance's most efficient and daring intelligence agents until his death at the end of a reconnaissance mission. His younger son, Zoffy, took part in numerous sabotage operations before fighting on the frontlines with his father in the final battle. After the war, Kenjin was made the first Commander of the newly formed Space Garrison. He died on the battlefield of Solufer in the Ultran year 250-sen-69 (app. 10 000 BCE). Today his son continues to serve in the Garrison as its Captain, ensuring his memory does not die.
Daiji Daiteki
A descendant of the near-legendary Ultran warrior Daiyou Daijin, Daiji was in all actuality a quiet, easy-going individual used to books as much as battle-arms. He was also renowned for his keen eye, able to down six moving targets with a single bolt of energy. Along with Nakage Maeren, he was responsible for training the fighters within the resistance, turning average Ultrans into primed fighters within the space of months. Possessing above-average upper body strength, his clean, compact style of close-quarters combat has influenced many fighters since. After the war, Daiji was made the Captain of the Space Security Department, a post he holds to this day as he continues to train the next generation of fighters. His son, Man Daiji, was one of the first Ultrans to arrive on Earth.
Nakage Maeren (MAHR-ren)
Feared as much as he was respected, Nakage was a stern man with a brusque manner. While his training methods were Spartan in their brutality, they created fearless warriors for the forces. (If they could survive him, they could survive anyone!) Surprisingly enough, the man had a soft spot for animals, taming the weaker kaijuu the Emperans cut loose from their army and training them to become the forerunners of today's capsule monsters; this earned him the nickname 'Beastmaster' among the six. To this day, he oversees the Garrison's fiercest and most capable warriors under the Braves Directive, and is occasionally called on personally to handle the fiercest of foes. It is said that evildoers who hear the Braves Directive's name begin to know fear; those who hear Nakage's name lose the will to fight. He raised both his children near single-handedly after the death of his wife, Oyumi Shinobu; today his daughter Samar works with the Silver Crusaders' emergency team and his son, Seven (Seban) is part of the Ultra Garrison, although he was initially trained as a planetary observer.
Eien Wolff
Along with his brother Darren, Eien has been long recognised as one of the planet's eminent minds, responsible for several advancements in information technology. When the occupation began, he was forced to build weapons for the Emperans, who planned to expand their empire to other planets. In secret, he and other scientists, including the biochemist Candela Lamben, developed his blueprints further to create the first generation of arm-mounted portable weaponry or APW. When the Emperans found out about such efforts, he was flogged almost to his death and his back fin notched twice in public, as good as branding him as a criminal. He did not expose the rebellion and pressed on with his work. Having trained in swordplay and the arts of the Ultran halberd, ul-reijin, since youth, the scientist wore one of his first creations, the Specium Bracer, into the final battle. Eien currently heads the Space Technology Bureau, while his son Jack serves the Garrison, still armed with one of his father's last personal creations. He has recently been combining forces with Earth-67's Aqua Project in an attempt to bridge the gap between galaxies, even whole universes.
Kusari Lanse
One of the most recognisable of the Six, Kusari was a most incongruous head of intelligence. Short and brash, his efforts kept morale steady during even the darkest of times. When on assignment, however, he had the uncanny ability to infiltrate places deemed previously unreachable. The Emperans lost several guards to the mysterious 'shadow men' that Kusari trained to move swiftly, detect the enemy's intentions and flow and reactions, and fight unarmed. During the final war, however, the Ultran was wounded badly enough that he lost his sight, putting an end to his days of espionage. After the war he married the head of the resistance's female division, Minami Luha, and became one of the Land of Light's most famous diplomats, responsible for forging the Dalwatt-Merane peace treaty. Sadly, both Kusari and Minami were killed after returning from a mission to the Yapool dimension. Their son Ace was raised by one of the Denkou and grew up to enter the Space Garrison. In a way it could be said he continues his father's work.
Ikio Zen
A man with as big a sense of justice as you could expect from an Ultran, Ikio was about the same age as Kenjin and could be said to be the co-leader of the Six. Well-versed in the arts of war and strong as an ox, he led the troops into war along with Daiyou Daijin and had some part in training them as well. He was also involved in the plan to restart the Plasma Spark network at its full capacity, many of the fusion devices having been turned off or destroyed during the initial invasion. His actions enabled the Ultrans to fight with even greater fervour; during the battle itself it is said well over a hundred kaijuu fell at his hands. After the occupation was ended and the Space Garrison was founded, Ikio became its first Captain and married the current Captain of the Silver Crusaders, Koyumi Shinobu. Kusari Lanse trusted him explicitly, and it was he who raised Kusari's son after his death. Currently he holds the post of Commander—many know him thus as the Father of Ultra—and watches over the sons and daughters of men he once fought with in the name of the Land of Light. His own son, Taro, coaches the newer recruits. [+/-] Den-Kou Dairin
―宇宙に平和が 来るまでは
力を合わせるんだ 六兄弟
彼等こそが社会の心をつかみ、現在も敬意をこもって「デンコウ・ダイリン」 (初六 大兄弟)か、デンコウのみだけ呼ばれています。
兄 ダレンと共に前からウルトラの星で著名な科学者と認められて、情報技術の分野に幾多の進歩が彼のお陰でした。
秘密で生化学者カンデラ・ラムベンと当時の科学者と腕を組んで その設定図を基にして第一世代の腕装備携帯武器(Arm-mounted Portable Weaponry, APW)を作り出した。
若い頃から剣術とウルテラの長刀術に長けた為、最初の開発 スペシウムブレーサーを装備し最後の戦場へ向かった。
占拠の後は抵抗軍の女性部長 ミナミ・ルハと結婚し、ウルテラで最も有名な外交官になりました。
現在は警備隊の大隊長として「ウルトラの父」と呼ばれ、昔 光の国の名において共に戦った者の息子と娘を見守り続けています。
息子のタロウは教官として新しい隊員の教育に励んでいる。 [+/-] デンコウ・ダイリン
June 01, 2008
Textbooks and Comicbooks テキストと漫画
OK! Great! Bringer of Light is now fully translated, and I can get down to some of the more random things I wish to cover.
Tsuburaya is about to run Ultra Certification—no, I'm not making this up. The Ultra Kentei site is here. There's a 'textbook' out, which looks fairly interesting. Anything with Ultra footprints in it should be good, but what I'd like to know is are they focusing on the 'fantasy' aspect or the 'realistic' aspect of UM? Cause hey, if they're going to put things like Ultran script and 'history' and design sketches* tidbits like that, I'd hit Kinokuniya, but if it's more of a 'these are the shows and everyone involved' compilation, I might pass. D:
Also, I mentioned Midou Kazuhiko in the FAQ like, once—so go take a look at his website! He's just started up, but for those who follow(ed) Ultra Ninja Manual, this is your chance to get in touch with the guy. It's nice to see he's still around. Lay off the cigarettes, though, sensei ^^;
Next week - The forerunners of the Ultra Brothers, and maaaybe webclap. The polls became undecided at the last minute, it seems.
*Hey, I AM in the industry.
来週 - 「ウルトラ兄弟」の先人と、た~ぶんウェブ拍手。どうやら投票が終わりかけたらちょっとアンバランスになって…

作名: 光を持って来るもの
提出日付: 1/6/2008
ファンダム: ウルトラマンメビウス
ジャンル: 一般
指定/注意: PG。ウルトラマンと関係のあるキャラクターは全て(c)円谷プロダクション1966, 2008。「ルシエン・カンデラ」と言う名前は、本作のものではありません。
概要: シリーズの後の話。ちょっとまずい事情でメビウスが、ヒカリの「本名」を知る事になった。でも結局、名前というものは自分が応える物ではないでしょうか。
「よろしくお願いします。」そう言いながら、メビウスはニコっと笑った。その時に マイクロフィルムのディスクを持っていた研究員が二人に近づき、彼の声にヒカリが顔を彼のほうに向けた。
「ルシエン博士?ルシエン・カンデラ博士ですね?これは、博士が求めましたファイルでございます。」答えを期待していたようにヒカリを見つめていました。何かの間違いであろう。ヒカリに兄弟でもいただろうか他の研究員との見間違いだろうかと、メビウスが口を開きそう言いかけたが、とても普通な事のようでその蒼いウルトラマンが頷き ディスクを受け取りました。
「そう気がとらえて、ちょっと危ないじゃないか。」ヒカリ―いや、「ルシエン」が渋々と言い出した。メビウスが、数時間をかけちゃんと事情を調べてきた。スターマークの受賞者、惑星の調査報告書、ウルトラ兄弟の二三人が持っていたような携帯武器の研究―その全てが「ルシエン・ン デラ博士」を記載しました。写真まで載せた物もあって、とても見慣れた顔がスクリーンから余裕綽々と自分を見つめた。ルシエンと言う名を含む最後に見つけられたドキュメントが、惑星アーブの解明調査を勧めた提案書だった。その繁栄し続けた理想郷は今、荒れ果てた大地となってしまった。仲間から、メビウスが嫌と言うほどそれを知った。
「君が謝る事ではない。そう、俺はそのカンデラの息子。」彼がメビウスの傍らで手すりに身をもたれ、胸の前に腕を組みました。「父は、息子がブルー族に誇りをもたらすと願い名づけただろうな。『ル・シ・エン』―蒼、影、進 だと言うもので。長いときその名前に誇りを持ち、父がエンペラー戦争に始まった仕事を続けた。そして、俺はアーブの調査に向かわせる事を…」しばらくの間に黙り込み、メビウスのいぶかしそうな注視に勇気を得て話を続けた。
メビウスがまた、ニコッと笑った。「よろしくおねがいしますね、ヒカリ。」 [+/-] 「…確かに…ルシエン、だと呼びましたね?」
後書: ミンと古い本を合わせたらこう言うことになります:

May 25, 2008
Fanfiction: Bringer of Light

Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one concerned about this. I probably am ^^; The Japanese Wiki entry for Mebius does mention this matter, though. (and, as always, click to enlarge the picture.)
What follows is not canon, was executed in about two days (and edited for 6-7) and is strictly the ramblings of a meticulous fan to reconcile things internally. But I do hope you enjoy it nevertheless.
Title: Bringer of Light
Date: 21/5/2008
Fandom: Ultraman (Mebius)
Genre: General
Rating/Warnings: PG. Ultraman and all related characters (c) Tsuburaya Productions 1966, 2008.The name 'Lucien Candela' should not be taken as canon.
Summary: Set post-series. Mebius finds out, a little awkwardly, what Hikari's actual name is. But in the end, perhaps a name is what you answer to.
Someone was calling him. Ultraman Hikari turned, and raised one hand lightly in response to the familiar voice. "It's been a while, Mebius. What brings you here?"
"I just thought I'd stop by and say hello. Captain Zoffy told me you'd been assigned to the weaponry research department. So this is what you do here..." he replied, voice trailing off as he surveyed the area and its controlled chaos.
"Between missions, yes." Hikari followed Mebius' line of sight and chuckled. It must have been completely new to the young fighter, this battleground fought with nothing but information. "I could show you around, if you'd like. I bet the younger members would be happy to see someone from headquarters."
"If it's not too much trouble, I'd like that very much," Mebius said with a smile. Just then, someone else approached the two, a disk of microfilm in hand, and Hikari turned to the sound of his voice.
"Professor Lucien? Lucien Candela? These are the files you wanted." He looked at Hikari, as if expecting a response. Mebius was about to open his mouth, to tell him that surely the researcher was mistaken. Perhaps his friend had a brother, or he was being mistaken for another scientist. But then the Blue Ultran nodded, as if it was the most ordinary thing in the world, and took the disc from him.
"Thank you. I'll get this back to you by day's end. Anything else?"
"Yes. Chief Eien wants to see you." Noticing Mebius' presence, the researcher bowed, and the fighter followed suit, slightly dazed.
"Understood. I'll be right over. He must be new," Hikari added once he was out of earshot. "Sorry, Mebius, I need to look over this right away. We'll have a chance to talk later."
"Sure, not a problem," Mebius said by way of acknowledgement. "But...he called you 'Lucien'?"
The man fiddled with the disk gently, his expression somewhat unreadable. "What they used to call me, before I went to Arb. Now if you will excuse me..." He turned on his heel and headed back to a terminal, leaving behind his very confused comrade.
The day was almost at its end before the two were able to resume their conversation. Up on the Garrison's roof deck, Mebius was deep enough in thought that he almost missed the approaching footsteps.
"It's a bit dangerous to be so occupied," Hikari—no, Lucien said dryly. Mebius had done his research in the past hours. He'd gone through the list of Star Mark recipients, scientific journals on planetary studies, experiments in portable weaponry like a few of the Ultra Brothers possessed; every one of them mentioned a 'Professor Lucien Candela'. One had a picture staring calmly back at him from the screen. The most recent document he could find that contained the name was a proposal to study the Planet Arb, once a flourishing utopia and now stripped bare and cold. Through his friend, he knew this all too well.
"I...I must apologise," Mebius said. "We've fought together all this time, and I never knew or asked your real name. I just called you what Ryuu-san called you. But I remember when I was younger, still in school, they mentioned the scientist Candela Lamben, and how he worked beside the First Six and the Emperan resistance forces. That scientist was your father?"
"It's nothing to be sorry about. And yes, I am that Candela's son." He leaned against the railing beside Mebius, folding his arms before his chest. "I suppose my father hoped that his son would bring pride to the race when he named me. Lu-shi-en, blue-shadow-advance. For a long time I was able to take pride in that name, and continue the work he started during the Emperan occupation. And then, I requested to go and investigate Arb..." He fell silent for a while before Mebius' questioning gaze encouraged him to continue.
"You must understand one thing." There was a cold steel edge at the back of his words. "Lucien was pure and naive, believing with one heart in the goodness of life. When Arb died—when that beautiful, innocent place died, he died with it, consumed by Tsurugi and its desire for vengeance. Hikari...Hikari is the one who fights for all the Arbs yet to be, before history repeats itself and more life is sacrificed." He broke off with a short laugh. "Please excuse me. I'm rambling."
"It makes sense anyway," Mebius replied slowly, thoughtfully. "That part of yourself may not have died so easily. It comes back to Earth again."
"It does? You would think the Sage himself guided us there..."
"I checked it out. Lucien, in French—another Terran language—it means 'bringer of light'. And so you have brought light to many people. It is a good name to simply throw away and let die. Should I use it, from now on?" he asked, curious and intent on receiving a definitive answer.
"Well, that's something." He tilted his head, a faint smile playing on his lips as he thought it over. "No, Mebius. Lucien is dead, Sage rest him. Call me what you always have. After all, you and Ryuu and the rest of them had a part in that naming. So, would you still like that tour tomorrow?"
Mebius smiled once more. "Yes, Hikari, actually I would." [+/-] "...he called you 'Lucien'?"
P.S. - This is what happens when you put Ming and old books together:

May 24, 2008
Quick one ちょこっと
Very busy at work this week, so...it's probably going to be fanfiction tonight, followed by bits of news tomorrow.
(ETA - make that English fanfiction this week, and the Japanese v + something else next week. I really must apologise, it's a busy time of year at Workplace de Ming...OTL)
(編集 - 今週は英語版の小説で、来週は日本語版+別のもの…で、決定したいのです。
May 19, 2008
Eating and Breathing 食べる事、呼吸する事
Side-note: I finally, finally, FINALLY got my hands on the complete Mebius series. Watching the final three episodes tonight. I'm sorry if you're a fan of Aihara Ryuu, but oh my GOD does he rub me the wrong way.[dodgycontent]And boy, is the Ryuu/Mirai subtext strong in this one![/dodgycontent]
You can actually blame Tiga for Ultrandom. In 2000, the show started airing in my home country, two years after my fanspirit revived. He had to fight an underwater battle once (with Gobunyu Ogma, I think), and I noticed something: There weren't any bubbles rising up from Tiga. Wasn't he breathing? Surely I'd seen his chest rise and fall during terrestrial battles? Could his lungs absorb water? Did he absorb oxygen through his skin? What about space battles? Underground battles? And he choked under poison gas, didn't he? What was going on?!
You can tell I went a leeeettle bit crazy.
One could only come to one conclusion—Ultrans don't NEED to breathe in the first place. The movement seen is not because of the inhalation of oxygen like a human, but something that was universally present throughout the cosmos and not absolutely necessary for life. Nitrogen, for example. Perhaps it or they sped up healing, but was/were not fully responsible for the process, like a catalyst for the energy matrix's repairs. So if Ultras do have lungs, they're probably not what we're used to. They're for absorbing pretty different things.
...Or they could be like frogs, taking in normal respiratory gases through the skin. *flee*
Our junior high and high school science classes tell us that respiration has something to do with the release of energy, as well. Human cells need the oxygen to do their work, release energy and generally stay alive. Ultrans, being composed of energy, simply need to recharge what has been spent, which is why they literally survive on light. We have seen Ultraseven recharge himself through exposure to sunlight and many if not all Ultrans can do the same, regardless of whether the light is natural or artificial (see in particular: Return of Ultraman, Ultraman Dyna). According to Korotan Bunko #30 (my faithful pseudobiology textbook), Ultrans survive on light, so no tummy upsets or overeating. I suppose this is where the information comes in that there are green Ultras out there. Chlorophyll, much? *gets bricked* According to the same book, any toxins (and one presumes waste products) are sweated out and showered off. (Anyone want to head for the bath yet?)
But that's not to say Ultrans can't eat food food. Fans are likely to be aware of Mebius' like of Japanese curry in human form, and manga representations tend to be quite cavalier with sticking to this piece of information (Gekiden!Ace eating ramen, Nin!Man and his diet of roadside trash etc.) The energy stored in said food can still be processed by the internal organs, and waste products excreted through the sweat glands. They generally eat these foods for novelty and the taste and sensation, as it's not a matter of survival. But because they don't actually survive on these substances, sometimes not very much is absorbed into the system. I have it on good authority that when Mebius returned to M78, under the smell of dust and smoke and lightblood and electricity, he bore with him a very, very faint trace odor of curry roux.
The brothers have not let him hear the end of it. [+/-] Read more...
ティガの肺って、水を吸収する事が可能だった? 酸素を、皮膚から吸収したのか?宇宙戦は?地下戦は?毒ガスをかけたら苦しまない?いったいなんじゃこりゃー?!
見える胸の上下は、人間のように酸素を吸入しているからではなく、宇宙のどこにでも存在していて、生命にそう必要ではない何かを吸入していると見なせま す。
…じゃないと、または蛙みたいに何かの呼吸ガスを皮膚から吸収してるかな <逃
愛読の疑似生物学テキスト☆ コロタン文庫第30番によると、ウルトラ族の食べ物は光のエネルギーで、無駄なエネルギーを吸収しなく食べ過ぎる事もない。
May 11, 2008
The Chain of Galtan Stareater 星食いガルタンの鎖
As I mentioned in the previous post, the god of the sun T'e-Areu has a mighty sword known as Ril-Ur. Depending on how you look at it, the name can be rendered as 'Final Light', 'End-of-Light' or 'Absolute Light'. But to tell its tale, one must first talk of its source. And to talk of its source, one must talk of the ferocious Galtan Stareater.
リールケイドで回収された スパーク前10万年で描いた絵巻物:「星食いガルタン」、絵師不明。クリックすると拡大します。
Galtan Stareater is known by a few other aliases, including Galdan, Garutan, Heltan and Guardan. Sly, cunning and daring as twelve thousand foxes, Galtan is both revered and feared by Trinitists, for he is a trickster and not a fully benevolent force. It was once believed that the dog's munching on the moon caused eclipses, and even now when terrible disaster strikes, it is said that 'Galtan runs wild'.
Ultran myths have this much to say on the matter:
After the Trinity were born of An-Mo, the Void brought up many other things. One day, in the darkness, a vortex swirled nine times and gaped open, and a pitch-black hound was born from it. Pitch-black was his coat, and blood-red were the tips of his coat, and fiery red were his eyes themselves. On each great paw were five claws, almost like the gods themselves, and his great sweeping tail was split in nine. From the hound's lower jaw jutted not one, but two sets of fangs, almost like tusks in size and sharpness. Impudently, the hound waved his tail nine times, and bounded across the darkness.
This fanged hound, Galtan, made his meals of the stars around him. For every star he ate, a glimmer of light appeared upon his pelt, and with every star he ate he grew larger and larger, so much so he seemed a part of the heavens themselves. He ate the blue stars of Deus-Meter, and the red stars of Nilnahar, and the burning hot stars of Cassiopeia. Still he hungered, and still he grew.
Many strong men tried to fight Galtan, but they were as nestling birds before him. Though they shot him full of arrows and cut him with their blades, the wounds were no more than thorn-pricks to the great hound, and he ate them all in a gulp, as a man eats cooked grains. Finally the trouble he had caused could not be ignored by the gods.
"I will go and fight this eater of light," said T'e-Areu, "for am I not the strongest amongst us?" He went from the Shining Grounds of the Trinity and set out to find the hound, crimson robes like blazing fire and radiant armour like sparkling lightning. He found Galtan, and called out to him, "Ho! Foul beast! Dare you eat these stars and moons and suns we have created?"
Galtan roused himself, and waved his tail high nine times. Big was T'e-Areu, but Galtan was like a warhorse to him. "Ho! You god! You disturb my sleep! Yes, I dare eat the delicious stars and moons and suns. And now—now I think I shall eat you too!" With a fearsome howl, he rushed the god, and T'e-Areu closed with him fearlessly.
Up and down the stars fought the two, but Galtan's ferocity was beyond all compare. T'e-Areu had no weapons but his bare hands, and the three-pronged vresta made of a comet much like T'e-Hefa's anvil, the same that had wrestled down Hek the hydra and Gatano of the Shear-Arms; but Galtan had twice as many claws as T'e-Areu had fingers, and twice as many fangs as claws, and so the god was forced to flee. And as he retreated, Galtan bayed mockingly, "Run now, but run not far! I am Galtan Stareater, and I will devour all before me!"
Bruised and wounded, T'e-Areu returned to the Shining Grounds, where his sister T'i-Artem tended his hurts. "If your strength cannot defeat this beast, then fight you with wisdom. Go you, brother, to our brother T'e-Hefa, and ask him to make you a chain to bind this hound."
T'e-Areu did indeed go to T'e-Hefa's forge, and relayed to him the request. "A chain for the Stareater?" T'e-Hefa asked. "It is not easily done. But our sister's words often bear fruit. Let your strength work with our sister T'i-Artem's wisdom, and my resources." T'e-Hefa plucked a star from the firmament, red as a fiery pomegranate, and with his hammer and tongs turned it into a chain of beads. T'e-Areu praised its beauty, calling it ruby drops on a diamond cord. "This chain, the tectra, will protect you from that hound," T'e-Hefa explained. "It will be as long or as short as you wish it. Go forth and bind that pup, for it pains me to see all our beautiful stars disappear into his gullet."
T'e-Areu went again from the Shining Grounds, and called out loud to Galtan. "Galtan Stareater, I challenge thee! You devourer, you glutton, see you if you can eat this!"
And Galtan slunk from the shadows, hungry as ever and large as ever, wagging his tail impudently. He sniffed at the tectra around T'e-Areu's neck, and flicked his ears. "This is a good thing—it smells of fine stars. You will give me the necklace to eat?"
"That I will do. But hear me, hound, if you do not eat every single bead of it, you will submit to me."
"And suppose I do eat every single bead of your chain, Te-Areu?" Galtan questioned.
"Then I—nay, we the Trinity will give you free reign, and you shall fear none."
"Already I fear none. Give me the beads! I will eat them down to your hand and head!" T'e-Areu pulled the tectra from his neck and cast out one end, and Galtan raced out with it, closing his great white teeth upon the chain and gulping them down like cooked grains. But swallow down the chain as he might, he got no closer to the end; for every bead that slipped through the black hound's gullet, T'e-Areu simply wished two more on. Sensing a trap, Galtan left off his efforts and tried to slip into the shadows, but the god would not loose his quarry a second time. With a flick of his wrist, the tectra sang through the air, and looped around Galtan inside and out. For the first time in his life, the mighty Stareater was forced to his haunches. And T'e-Areu strode up to him, and with no small amount of wrath drubbed him mightly with the hilt of his vresta until he stayed upon his haunches.
"You have caused much trouble, Galtan Stareater, and now I will claim your punishment. You will not feed on the stars, or the moons, or the suns, or strong men, but all evildoers, to pay for your wild days. Stay by the Trinity, and serve me and my siblings. While you do so, none shall dare to cross you. But if you disobey, then know you the tectra will sing again, and I will chain you for eternity, and pull out all your fangs!"
"I shall! I shall!" Galtan yipped, for the tectra was very tight and his back was very sore. "I will not eat the stars; I will not eat strong men! Unchain me, and I shall do all that you say and more."
T'e-Areu was not without mercy, but he was also not without wits. To keep Galtan in check, he broke off a single coral bead from the tectra, piercing it through the hound's left ear, and pulled out one of Galtan's fangs, just to remind him, though the fang soon grew back. And very meekly, Galtan followed T'e-Areu back to the shining grounds, where T'i-Artem rubbed away his bruises and T'e-Hefa scratched him behind the ears and on the belly, and he decided serving the gods might be a good idea after all. As for the fang T'e-Areu pulled out, T'e-Hefa worked it in his forge for thirty suns and thirty moons, and turned it into a mighty sword, Ril-Ur. Nothing could stand against it except Galtan's own fangs, and its power was such that only T'e-Areu could wield it, for he had first drawn it from its owner's jaws.
So it goes that Galtan is now T'e-Areu's hunting dog, and chases down the sinners and the unworthy to devour them bones and all. But he is still a wild animal. Sometimes T'e-Areu forgets to feed him, and he goes out to eat another sun or moon—sometimes the old, wild blood becomes restless, and Galtan forgets his pact completely. He runs loose like the old days, waving his nine-split tail impudently and destroying for the sake of destruction, and tragedy visits us all. But oftentimes, he is the fearless, cunning trickster, with stars in his coat and blood in his eyes. [+/-] Read more...
(ETA: Verusmayaii has her own rendition of Galtan Stareater, which you can view here. Thanks, Verus, and keep on drawing!)
前の記事で言いましたように、太陽の神 テ・アレウは、大きな刀(と言うかだんびら)「リル・ウル」を武器にしています。
その恐ろしい牙を持っていた犬 ガルタンは、周りの星を餌にしてしまいました。
しかしガルタンは テ・アレウの指の二倍の爪を持ち、その爪の二倍のきばを持っていた為、テ・アレウは逃げれざるを得なかった。
撤退しながら、ガルタンは嘲る様にこう言い投げました:「この場から逃げるならば、そう遠く逃げるではない!余は星食いガルタン 目の前にあるものを全て喰らい尽くすものだ!」
「この鎖 テクトラは、兄者をその野犬から守れるであろう」とテ・ヘファが説明をしました。
また暴れまわり、厚かましく九つに裂いた尾をを振り 破壊の為だけに物を壊しまくり、災いを起こします。
でも、常に星食いガルタンは大胆でずる賢く、星の毛と血の瞳を持っているトリクスターでございます。 [+/-] 詳しく読む…
May 09, 2008
Picture Tea ピクチャー・ティー
Ultrandom has a very, very new paintchat room! The link is right here, and I'll put a little post up when a session is organised. They'll mostly start around 9-12 Japanese time.
Stay tuned, as the tale of Galtan Stareater should be up tomorrow or Sunday.
May 03, 2008
Special Bulletin 臨時ニュース
Right, so—small announcement or three or four.
- The FAQ now has its own link at the sidebar, seeing as it's dropped off the first page. ;)
- One is honoured to be mutually linked with Hikari no Yuushi, which is honestly all types of cuteness. Also Taurus' Miscellany, which deals more with entertainment news nowadays, but used to run a mighty fine Ultra analysis.
- The pictures for the last post are up, but...the ones for this week's post are not. Reading over the post and looking at the pictures, one found the situation had gone slightly...pear-shaped. With luck, they will be coming in soon!
- 「よくある質問」は最新ページから落ちましたので、リンクをサイドバーに張りました。v
- サイト「光の勇士」と「タウラスの雑文」と、相互リンクしました!二人とも、真にありがとうございます!
「光の勇士」でいつも猿飛さんのかわいい絵で笑い転がったり感動したり癒されたり、タウラスさんも立派なウルトラな記事を載せます。 - 前の記事に漫画が付きましたけど、今週はないです。
April 27, 2008
The Dying of the Light 死滅してゆく光
Today's title is brought to you by Dylan Thomas! Yay! *ahem*
If Ultraman's Colour Timer stops blinking, he will never rise again.
All right. So most fans are familiar with this line here: if UM uses up all his energy, then he will die. Or so it seems. UM himself was revived with an 'extra life' by Zoffy in the final episodes. He's still kicking around. If you read the (slightly obscure but very good) manga Ultraman: Super Fighter Legend (Choutoushi Gekiden), our hero actually dies and comes to life a few times. And then there's Taro, who first gets beheaded by some hellish monster, somehow survives that, and then gets pecked full of holes by a giant poisonous venomous chicken. But he's still alive too, as Mebius will vehemently attest. (How dare you insult his coach! 'o' )
Ultraman, thank goodness, is NOTORIOUSLY HARD TO KILL. So what, really, is death to them?
According to Korotan Bunko number 30 (Ultra Kaijuu All Hyakka), 'When an Ultran dies s/he turns to light and disappears'. Granted, in most if not all the death scenarios so far, this has not happened. We have seen Taro bleed red blood (very red blood...) and Tiga bleeds light. Mebius has covered a little bit on death, and since he's part of the Showa continuity, we make these observations:
- Yes, Ultrans do die, i.e. there is a natural lifespan and there is 'only one life'.
- If Ultrans turn to light and disappear upon death, Ultrans themselves are made of light.
- Light is a type of energy. (All right, that one's fairly well-established)
The energy that composes an Ultran holds itself together in a sort of matrix, pretty much like how the human skeleton, muscles and skin keeps everything else from falling onto the floor. Striking at the energy matrix damages it, but it generally manages to knit back together (Those sparks you see when a monster strikes at an Ultra? That's the matrix being unraveled.). This explains how so much damage is reversible under the hands of comrades or a good Silver Cross worker. A physical body that looks dead is really a dormant but intact energy matrix; spent energy can yet be replaced, if the person is attended to in time.
It takes a lot of heavy, repeated damage to really break the matrix beyond all repair—this entails a knock-down drag-out battle beyond all limits, some form of degenerative disease (sad, yet true) or the actual, natural winding down of the life force. It is said they can live for millions of Earth years (a fact which needs textual confirmation somewhere. I looked! Honest!) This winding down signals the coming of the 'Final Death', or 'ril-ur'—literally 'end-light' or 'the end of light'. The first definite sign that this is happening is the appearance of spots of localised necrosis on the face or limbs, colloquially known as the 'marks of T'i-Her' after a goddess of death related to the Trinity. After their initial appearance, an Ultran's lifespan can be lengthened no more than six months with energy transfusions before the matrix deteriorates completely. Most of the time, one gets about three months to put one's affairs in order—write wills, say goodbye to people, do some travelling, things like that. Many choose a particular spot where they wish to pass on.
As the time draws to its end, the marks of T'i-Her spread and form dermal adhesions as the body itself begins to slowly fail. The senses become less and less sensitive. Eventually the body surrenders and the matrix sunders, casting its initial components back into the ether. And then—ideally after a long and productive life—s/he turns to light and disappears. Those who have the choice sometimes choose to spend their dying moments beside the nearest Spark fusion device, not in an effort to conserve energy, but to give their final energy to the network of suns that keep the planet alive.
There are no physical graves on the Land of Light. A family may choose to honor the deceased's memory in numerous ways, such as handing down tools of trade, for example, or a holograph on the table, or a small marker placed where the deceased chose to die, but beneath every sorrow is hope, for the one lost has reentered a great cycle, and will someday return to the world.
Death is not beautiful, but to face both life and death with courage and dignity is beauty itself.
- Daiyou Daijin
[+/-]'The End of Light'
Interestingly enough, Ril-ur is also the name of T'e-Areu's broadsword...which I think I'll cover in the next post.
- ウルトラ族は死ぬ(つまり寿命がありまして、命も「一つ」に限っている)
- ウルトラ族は死ぬと光になって消えれば、ウルトラ族は光で作られる体を持っています
- 光はエネルギーの形の一つ(まあ、これはよくご存じますね)
ティガ等の場合では、体の構造がそう固定していなかったものの為、守る星の岩や土で体を作り その器に自分の能力を注ぎ込みました。
生命力の弱化で、「絶なる死」 リル・ウルの時が近づいてるという事です。
[+/-] 「光の終わり」
April 20, 2008
Heart Sounds and Crossed Tongues 心の音と交雑言語
This post now has pictures! (Sweet.) Click on the thumbnails for a slightly different experience.
There are two major schools of thought regarding sound in space: one that says space is a vacuum, and there should be no sound, and one that says space is spread out so thinly that sound travels at a fraction of its usual speed, or the sound is too low for human ears to pick up on. In the first case, realistically there is then no way of verbal communication. In the second, sound travels slowly enough for it to lose the point.
Telepathy, however, travels at the speed of thought—which brings us to the mental language of Heartsound.
Heartsound focuses not on a purely lexical structure, but the inherent, more universal meanings behind the words. This meaning, in its purest form, is transmitted telepathically to the second party, and fluent Heartsounders are equally able to pick up on the vibes radiated by the person/people facing them—which means that communication with beings lacking a wide vocal range (monsters, for instance) is much easier. It is a language that is easy to 'hear', hard to 'speak' and difficult to build a wide 'vocabulary' and become fluent. Red Ultras, with their propensity towards telepathic and telekinetic skills, have a slight edge over their other brethren when it comes to learning the language. Space Garrison recruits are all strongly encouraged to pick up at least Heartsound's rudiments as it helps to gauge an enemy's movements as well. Same goes for diplomats.
Speaking of diplomats, Heartsound is a bit of a sledgehammer to the mind, and in more delicate settings other vocal languages can be used. But there are quite a few lifeforms bouncing around the Galactic Federations, and one people may not use one tongue (look at Earth and the tower of Babel). So what to do? Members of the Federation got together to propose a universal language called Crosstongue, and efforts to propagate it began in the Ultran year 25-man-6777 (1250 BCE).
Crosstongue borrows its syntax, grammar and vocabulary from various major languages already spoken by Federation members, and has become a fairly well-established lingua franca due to its strong roots to the base languages that spread throughout the universe much earlier. Not an overly pretty language, but useful nonetheless. [+/-] Universal languages...
There will be no post next week (I'm going for my college convocation), so I'm extending the voting period for the poll. Drop me a line, folks, and have a great week ahead!
ハートサウンドは、「聞き取り」がやすいけれど、「話す」事はちょっと難しく 語彙を増やして上手になるにもたくさんの努力が必要なんです。
そんなわけで、銀河連邦の全員が知恵をあわせて 惑星共通言語 クロスタングを提案し、ウルトラ暦25万6777年につき伝播の活動が始まりました。
クロスタングは 構文 文法 語彙 を、すでに大分の惑星で使っていた言語を取り合わせできたものです。古代で使っていた言語らと強い交際があって、いまでもかなり定評のある交通語です。「綺麗」な言語だといえませんが、とても便利です。 [+/-] 宇宙言語…