What 'Man is holding here for us is a rather ancient vresta, a three-pronged Ultran dagger similar to the Japanese sai. What he has on his chest is also known as the vresta, the three-pronged pattern which spans the chest, neck and shoulders of about half of all Silver Ultran men, give or take a few variations. Very rarely, women too can sport the pattern.
It's not quite certain why the vresta pattern is so common. Perhaps it strengthens the circulation of energy between chest and skull, heart and brain. Perhaps it just delineates an old group of muscles, their names lost to time. Perhaps it just looks nice. For those who believe, however, there are no doubts; only hope. And here's why.
It was a time not long after the Trinity had wrought all of creation. Only man did not yet exist, and the world was at peace. All beasts flourished in peace, sustained by the bounty of the earth instead of the flesh of another. But scattered far and wide through the Great Void were monsters of all shapes and sizes, and the gods had their hands full subduing them. By and by, the Trinity decided they would elect a leader among beasts, to unite and protect their brethren in the gods' place.
The three gods called a representative of all living things, gathering them on a great plain. T'e-Areu stepped forth, and he spoke thus: "Hear us, you who touch the air, you who touch the ground and you who touch the waters! We ask you to choose a leader amongst yourselves, to watch over you and guide you in your ways. Let him be strong and without fear, that he may fight for you and your brethren."
"Let him be quick of mind and clear of sight, that he may lead you upon right paths," added T'e-Hefa.
"And let him be wise and just, that he may understand your thoughts and judge you wisely," T'i-Artem finished. She spread her hands wide. "Now, choose."
Almost at once, a hundred beasts stepped forward, eager to lead all the others. Some were strong; some were swift; some were wise. None of them, however, were all three, and all had the stubborn pride of the beasts. They began to squabble among themselves, then argue. Teeth and claws flashed in the air, and finally, blood was drawn. So did bloodlust and fear enter the hearts of all living things, and no leader was ever elected. Some ran from the carnage; others chased them. To this day the beasts of the ground, air and water still dine upon each other, each endeavouring to outlast their competitors for the post of leader of all life.
Having failed to find a leader among the beasts, the Trinity decided to try other things. They would create a living being in their image, to carry out their orders and hold dominion over the animals that came before them, and call it 'Man'. They could not, however, agree on the way to do so and finally, T'e-Areu proclaimed: "We agree that we cannot agree. Let us make this a contest. We shall all create Man the way we see fit, and then decide who has done the best job!" This seemed like a worthy idea, and all three retired, agreeing to meet at sunrise the next day with their creations.
The sun was setting over the cliffs when T'e-Areu began his work. From the setting sun he gleaned a handful of flames, and rolling the stuff in his palms he scattered it to the four corners of the sky. The flames scattered and broke apart and fell to the earth, and where they fell upon the clean stone were born T'e-Areu's men: men of red fire, with hearts fierce and proud as angry steel blades, as a storming wind.
T'e-Hefa returned to his forge and tools, that which he knew best. He set on the forge a bar of steel, pure as the day it was gleaned from the stars. Raising his hammer, he struck the star metal in a ringing rhythm that carried through the night. The cold steel became soft flesh, and thus were T'e-Hefa's men born: men of silver steel, with hearts as pure and clean as snow, as new cloth.
T'i-Artem had yet other plans. Under the light of the setting moon, she spoke into the empty air of all she knew: good and bad, bitter and sweet, amazing and mundane. And from every word that passed her lips were born T'i-Artem's men: men of white wind, their hearts filled with the pulse of nature like running water, like fertile ground.
Sunrise came, and the Trinity gathered to view their brethren's creations. All were very fine indeed, but each of the three was convinced that theirs were the most suitable men of all. Still there could be no agreement between them. Debate turned to argument, and argument turned to quarrel. T'e-Areu in the heat of his temper drew his strike-wide, his vresta, teeth bared; T'e-Hefa took in his hand the thunder-quick-hammer, raydran, and steeled himself for battle. T'i-Artem was generally peaceable—she had no weapon—but here was something to fight for. There was a stand of tall plants near where the gods stood, and she tore one flowering stalk loose, naming it the striking-grass. Thus her weapon was the pacet, and the plant too was named ancet, the great grass. The gods raised their arms, and prepared to fight for their people.
Seeing this, all men were consumed not by awe, but by fear and woe. They beat their breasts, hung their heads and run hither and thither like loosed beasts. There were still others who lost control to the darkness, and turned against their own brethren in madness. And T'e-Areu heard and saw; and thus said 'Stop! Our men weep!' The gods then said to the earth, "Man, what makes you weep so?" Men then found their tongue and spoke, thus:
"Woe grips our hearts and squeezes water from our eyes; it chills our livers and makes us afraid! We are lost, lost; for if the gods themselves stoop to fighting and bloodshed, then what hope have those of mortal flesh below their protection?" And the gods heard, and were ashamed.
"We acted just as beasts would have, strength to strength," T'e-Areu spoke regretfully, "and my pride is to blame, for I drew arms first. Let us make a pact never to shed blood over such petty causes again, and as penance let us bless each of these men so that they may live in peace together."
The sun god drew his weapon once more, and passed its straight blade over the men of silver steel. "You will be fruitful, men of my brother, and while my men will be born with the mark of my armour, you will be born with the mark of my weapon. Take that as proof of my promise, and the sign that you will all have the blessing of my strength." Ever since that day, there are a fair number of men who bear the mark of the vresta over their hearts, a sign that T'e-Areu has not yet forsaken the world.
The god of the earth raised his hammer and swung it hard over the men of white wind. Such was its speed that sparks flew in its wake, raining down upon them. "You too shall prosper, men of my sister, and the sparks of my hammer shall live strong within you, to protect yourself and others." And so it was that the men of silver wind grew strong, the spark of lightning burning strong through them.
The goddess of the moon tore a leaf from her flowering staff, and at a single word the staff healed and the plucked leaf became ash. This ash she scattered over the shoulders of the men of red fire. "You shall be many in number, men of my brother, and strong in spirit. The ash of ancet will keep your spirits clear, and your minds open." So it was that the men of red fire had strength tempered by wit and compassion, that they could stand as the defenders of their kind.
T'e-Areu would have said more, but T'e-Hefa interrupted him. "It is now my turn to speak, brother. Hear me, my men and the men of my siblings, all of you our children. Within all of you lies both the goodness and the faults of the gods; but all of you are strong in your own ways. We say to you now: be human. Help your brothers and sisters, no matter who they be." And this speech made T'e-Hefa most beloved among the people, he who spoke to them gently as equals.
"Use your gifts well," warned T'e-Areu, "for we shall not ever favour any man over another. Shed the blood of your brothers and sisters, and fall from our grace."
"Be strong. Be clear-sighted. Be wise. Be of good heart," said T'i-Artem, invoking their final blessing, and men set out to explore the world they had been given.
So it was that mankind came to be, sons and daughters of the Shining Grounds, masters of all living things. This is not all there is to the story. Some say the Blue Ultrans were T'e-Hefa's people born from steel heated less, and the White Ultrans, T'e-Areu's people born from the hottest rays of the sun. Some even say some impish spirit mischievously sneaked into the midst of the animals and fanned their pride, so that no leader would be elected. Whatever the case, one thing remains the same: from the fallibility of the gods is born a sign of hope, a sign that someone still watches over their people: a three-pointed dagger, carved across a courageous heart. [+/-] The sun god drew his weapon…
胸の模様も「ブレスタ」と呼ばれている―およそ半分のシルバー族の男が持っている首から肩、 胸を覆う体模様。基本の形に多数の偏差もあり、女性にでも稀に現れる模様なんです。
ブレスタの模様がこんなによく現れる理由は未だにはっきりしていない。胸と髑髏 心と脳の活行 を強める可能性がある。名もない筋群の輪郭を描いている意見も多い。多分、綺麗である事に過ぎないかもしれません。
百獣は争いも無く 仲間の血肉ではなく大地の恵みを食らって繁栄し続けていた。
テ・アレウは前に出てこう仰りました:「空に触れるもの 地に触れるもの 水に触れるものよ!百獣を見守り導く為に仲間の中から長を決めれ。同胞の為に戦えるように強く恐れの無いものにせよ。」
同 じ瞬間に、百匹のものが皆を率いたがりそうで前に出ました。あるものは強く、あるものは速く、あるものは利口であった。しかし三つの条件を満たせるような 者が無く、誰にでも不動なる獣の誇りがありました。
集まっていたものは喧嘩しはじめ、本気に戦い始めました。牙と爪が宙にきらめき、ついに血が零されてし まいました。
こうして残忍性と恐怖が生物の心につき 結局百獣の長は決められずに済みました。あるものは血祭りから逃げ、あるものは逃亡者を追いかけまし た。今に至るまで土と空と水の獣は互いに食って食われており、百獣の長になる為に最後まで生き残ろうとしています。
獣の長が決められず、 賛意は他の手を打とうとしました。神に従い百獣を治める為に自分を基にした生物を作ると決まりました。それは「人」。
そう言いながら三位はその作り方に同 意できなくて最後にテ・アレウはこう仰った。
「同意できぬ事に同意しているようだ。そうであれば競技にしましょう。最善と定めた法で人を作り、あとで最適 のつくり方を決まろう!」
テ・アレウが 仕事に着手しました時は、日が崖の下に沈みかけていた。その入日から一握の炎をつかみ、掌の中に転がし空の四方に散らしました。
炎は散り散りになり大地に 落ち、火が石に触れ合ったところからテ・アレウの人は生まれた。
その金鳴りが響きながら硬い鋼は軟ら かい肉になり、テ・ヘファの人が生まれた。
ティ・アーテムは、また別の方法を考えていた。入月の下に善や悪 喜悦や辛苦 脅威や尋常―持っていた知恵の全てを空に話した。
テ・アレウは頭にきて 牙をむきながら「打広」のブレスタを抜き、テ・ヘファは「雷速鎚」レイドランを手にし覚悟をを固めました。
それを見、 人は恐怖と悲哀にとらわれてしまったのであった。
「悲しみが心を握って目から水を絞り 肝を冷やし私どもを怖気付かせる!もう終わりのです、だめなのです。
こうして人類 輝く大地の子ら 生物の主が生まれてきました。
ある説明によるとブルー族は完全に熱せられな かったテ・ヘファの星鋼から生まれ、ホワイト族はテ・アレウの手で極熱の日差しから生まれた。
ある悪鬼は百獣の長が決められない為に いたずらぽっく百獣の中に忍び込み争いを煽いだと言う説もある。
何があろうとそれぞれの言い伝えには、一つだけのものは変わらない:神の不覚から生まれたのは希望の印 世界の人がまだ見守られている証―それは勇敢の心の上に刻んでいる三つ先の短刀である。 [+/-] 太陽の神は武器を抜き…