May 03, 2008

Special Bulletin   臨時ニュース

Right, so—small announcement or three or four.

  1. The FAQ now has its own link at the sidebar, seeing as it's dropped off the first page. ;)
  2. One is honoured to be mutually linked with Hikari no Yuushi, which is honestly all types of cuteness. Also Taurus' Miscellany, which deals more with entertainment news nowadays, but used to run a mighty fine Ultra analysis.
  3. The pictures for the last post are up, but...the ones for this week's post are not. Reading over the post and looking at the pictures, one found the situation had gone slightly...pear-shaped. With luck, they will be coming in soon!

  1. 「よくある質問」は最新ページから落ちましたので、リンクをサイドバーに張りました。v
  2. サイト「光の勇士」と「タウラスの雑文」と、相互リンクしました!二人とも、真にありがとうございます!
  3. 前の記事に漫画が付きましたけど、今週はないです。

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